The Church calls us to participate in a New Evangelization, making use of all the modern tools at hand to bring the love of Christ to a hurt and broken world. is site dedicated to the New Evangelization, and it gives a platform to various Catholic bloggers to share their insights on faith, Catholic life, and current events.

Screen Shot 2014-11-29 at 3.11.13 PM Articles are updated each day

The website for Catholic365 is broken into three main categories: Faith, Life, and What's Going On. Within these categories, you'll find sub-categories and articles written by a team of Catholic bloggers and writers.

Under Faith, you can find information that helps you work on your apologetics skills — the Bible; Defending the Faith; Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory; Mary; Mass and the Sacraments; Moral Theology; and Saints & Miracles.

Within the Life category, you'll find articles relating to Home School Moms, Marriage and Family, Protecting Life, Prayer Life, Youth, and Healthy Living.

Falling under the main topic of What's Going On?, articles fit into subcategories based on Commentary, Events, The Pope, and History.

Each category and sub-category has a wide variety of writers, from all different walks of life including people who are Third Order Religious, Knights of Columbus, homemakers, doctors, students, and more.

A few of the articles I found interesting were "Olivia," by Elizabeth Tichvon (about a woman whose sunny demeanor was unchanged by her adversity); "I Don't Get Anything Out of Mass," by Bill Dunn (touching on the idea that what you get out of Mass depends a great deal on what you put into it); and "Inviting Christ to be King of Our Hearts," by Debbie Gaudino (a contemplation on Christ the King, and why it's a feast that's as important today as it was in 1925, when it was founded). strives to be faithful to the Magisterium, yet it offers different opinions and perspectives on the topics covered (which can be nearly anything). With such a variety of people on the writing team, it can be a great source of inspiration and information to those of us who are trying to engage others in the New Evangelization. There seems to be something for everyone at this site, and I'll be bookmarking it and checking it often.

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Copyright 2014 Christine Johnson