Catholic Mom Daily Gospel Reflections Logo with gold outlineToday's Gospel: John 13:21-33, 36-38

Tuesday of Holy Week

Today’s gospel passage from John brings tears to my eyes every time I read it. I try to imagine Christ, fully human and fully divine, dining for one last time with his closest friends. As I picture them in the Upper Room, huddled together and listening to their Master, I imagine Judas and Peter.

Two men, having given their lives to follow Christ, are about to turn their backs on him. And Jesus knows this. Surely his human heart must have grieved to see the love he had poured upon them be returned with betrayal and denial.

Seated in my mind at that table, listening to Jesus—my master—teach and pray, I want to believe that I would be the Beloved Disciple, the one who stood firm and loyal. But I know that all too often, I am Judas, I am Peter. I desire to be loyal, but I am weak and fearful.

Would I lay down my life for Jesus? Every day, in tiny ways, I am given the opportunity to prove my love. Too often, I falter and fail. Blessedly, Jesus came for each of us even in our human frailty. In God, there is endless mercy and grace.

Jesus has laid down his life for me.


As we begin our journey through Holy Week, how have you turned your back on the God who loves you? In what ways can you stand firmly in love with Jesus Christ?


Jesus, savior, you laid down your life for me. I pray today and always for the conversion of my heart, for the strength to never deny your love, and for the grace to one day be with you fully and forever.

We thank our friends at The Word Among Us for providing our gospel reflection team with copies of Abide In My Word 2015: Mass Readings at Your Fingertips. To pray the daily gospels with this wonderful resource, visit The Word Among Us.

Copyright 2015 Lisa Hendey