This month, we are grateful for the sponsorship of Liguori Publications and happy to share the beautiful book Heart of a Lion: A Story of God's Grace and a Family's Hope with our readers. I think you'll agree in watching the family share their story on The Today Show that John Paul and his family have great lessons to teach us about the power of prayer and the sanctity of every human life. I'm excited to share that Derek and John Paul will be my guests on my Catholic Moments radio program on May 4th! Until then, I hope you'll join me in reading and sharing Heart of a Lion. Lisa
Heart of a Lion
A story of God’s Grace and a Family’s Hope
by Derek and John Paul George
“We refused to give up,” said Derek and Annette George.
Twenty years ago, their son, John Paul, was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a rare and almost always fatal condition. Their ordeal has been like a “wild roller coaster ride” of fear alternating with relief, said Derek.
Time after time, the family turned to their faith, and they vowed someday to share lessons learned about trusting in God, about advocating for a loved one, and about cherishing every moment of life.
Heart of a Lion: A Story of God’s Grace and a Family’s Hope is their gripping, emotional story of the uncertainties and the blessings of life, the everyday miracles, and, most of all, their hope and gratitude.
“We want to tell others that, when you’re facing a difficult situation, there is always hope,” said Annette. “Don’t give up. All things are possible with God.”
“Touching…Uplifting…John Paul rocks, and so does this book.” James Patterson, New York Times Best-selling Author
Heart of a Lion will take you on this first-time parents’ journey as they refuse to have an abortion, consider an experimental surgery that offers John Paul a chance for better heart function, and become his advocate in a world that doesn’t believe in miracles.
“John Paul’s sparkling brown eyes and endearing smile radiate joy. This book radiates hope, love, and endurance.” Bill Parcells, retired NFL head coach
Derek and Annette have also recorded in this book the moments and the people who helped spark their hope, including a caring pastor, an optimistic doctor, and an angelic night custodian at the hospital.
John Paul relates his struggles to persevere with a half-functioning heart that effected his growth and his health. Although he is twenty years old, he appears to be eleven. “When I go into a restaurant, I’m still offered a kid’s menu and crayons,” he said. “I get looks and I know those looks will continue wherever I go.”
But John Paul refuses to be held back by any disability or by negativity as he begins college and pursues his life’s calling. His perseverance and outgoing nature have helped him befriend celebrities like author James Patterson and entertainer Tyler Perry. John Paul’s weaknesses have become his greatest strengths.
“I thank God for allowing me to be in the world and to help others,” said John Paul. “I can’t change who I am, but I can change the world as I am.”
Order Heart of a Lion: A Story of God's Grace and a Family's Hope
About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at, on her Substack at, or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Find Lisa’s books on her Amazon author page.