
It’s easy to let yourself become lazy when following a healthier lifestyle, don’t you think? At first you’re all gung-ho and you get your family on a better track, but over time you slip in small areas here and there. It’s not that we need to be perfect; none of us can eat a “perfect” diet, but it is easy to get busy, and then get a little lax over time.
It was spring of 2004 when I had what I call my “ food conversion” (read the story at that link). Overnight the way I fed my family went from the SAD diet, Standard American Diet, to a healthier diet based on the principles I learned from the Weston A. Price site. (It was pretty overwhelming at first, though, and if you or someone you know is at that stage right now and need a helpful tool to navigate this switchover, check out my new book Real Food for Rookies or my  Real Food for Rookies online class. Want the whole first chapter where you’ll get clear buy this-not that advice? Click here to sign up and get the free download.)

Copyright 2015 Kelly the Kitchen Kop.
Image copyright 2015 Kelly the Kitchen Kop. All rights reserved.