Image courtesy of mojzagrebinfo, Pixabay Image courtesy of mojzagrebinfo, Pixabay

Yesterday, I had an appointment to get my hair cut. It's one of the little luxuries I afford myself. I often tease my longtime hair stylist that she is also my therapist. One of my dear friends also sees her at the same time (she staggers our appointments so that she can work on both of us side-by-side!). My time in her salon in one of my only "regular" appointments. And it's always a time to sit and talk for a long time about what's happening in our lives.

So yesterday when I walked in, she said, "You look great." In fact, I actually don't think I did look to great--my hair was a mess from the windows-down ride Greg and I had just taken in our VW bus. My t-shirt had a spot on it and my tennis shoes were covered in dirt from our backyard project. I started to say, "I look like a mess..." but stopped myself and instead said,

"Thanks, I feel pretty great."

How nice is that to be able to say? Indeed though, it's true. I'm coming off of one of the best weeks in my life (spent in the company of dear friends, families from around the world, and Pope Francis). Life is busy, but manageably so. And I'm feeling strong and healthy.

Thirty-eight days ago, I announced here that I needed prayerful support around me for a major health and wellness overhaul. While I haven't been "perfect" (or often even "good") for each of the ensuing days, I've been mindful and intentional. And thanks be to God I'm beginning to feel some results. I'm resisting the scale though -- I'm more concerned with behavioral and attitudinal changes that numbers. And the peace and overall strength I feel tells me that I'm moving little by little in the correct direction.

I must share that one huge "secret weapon" in my life is the support of my friends. That was underscored for me last week when I spent several days on pilgrimage with my dear friend Pat Gohn. Aware of my health considerations, Pat allowed for time to shop for healthy ingredients. She also did every bit of our cooking for the last week, even making special meals just for me. I watched as she cooked and tried to soak in some of her tips and techniques. The kitchen continues to be a major challenge for me. At the same time that she was nurturing me physically, Pat was (as she always does) feeding my soul. I can't begin to thank her enough for all the gifts she has so richly shared with me. Suffice it to say that a week I was sort of nervous about "health-wise" turned out to be a week of major growth and learning.

At some point, perhaps I will stop "counting the days" of trying to live healthfully. For now, I feel like an addict who says, "It's been 38 days since my last fix..." Tracking the days reminds me of the journey that's begun, the graces God has given, but also the path that lies ahead.

Goals to work on this week:

  • Getting to the gym! While my nutritional habits are starting to come around, my workout schedule has been majorly impacted by my busyness. Time to stop making excuses.
  • Appointment with nutritionist - I've requested one, but it seems to be stalled in the process. I need to call the doctor this week and find out a definitive date.

A bible verse for this week: "Two are better than one: They get a good wage for their toil. If the one falls, the other will help the fallen one. But woe to the solitary person! If that one should fall, there is no other to help." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Prayer for this week: "Father, you have surrounded me with loving support. Help me this week to be more generous with my love, support and friendship for others. May I more fully reciprocate the love that is showered upon me."

A question for you: How are you doing along your path to holiness and healthiness? Do you have good friends who can teach you, nurture you, encourage you or redirect you when you're struggling?

Copyright 2015 Lisa M. Hendey