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This week on's CM Hangout Podcast, co-hosts Lisa Hendey and Lisa Jones welcome our guest and contributor Erin Franco. Erin shared about the program, Domestic Church and how it has been a game changer for her marriage. She also shared great practical advice for couples who want to start praying together as a couple and as a family.

Erin Franco

Erin is a Catholic wife, mother of three, blogger, podcaster, and contributor. She writes and podcasts about growing in the everyday life of faith. You can find Erin's blog, podcast, and radio work all at You can follow Erin on Twitter, The Right Heart Podcast Facebook page, her Humble Handmaid blog Facebook page, and on check out her latest pins on Pinterest.

Erin Franco The Right Heart Podcast ErinFranco Humble Handmaid

We offer a very warm thank you to David and Mercedes Rizzo for sponsoring this episode in honor of their 25th Marriage Anniversary  tomorrow, November 4, and also for their Adaptive First Eucharist Preparation Kit booklet. Happy Anniversary!

David and Mercedes Rizzo are new to the community and we had the great pleasure of welcoming them as our first guests on the CM Hangout #3: Families with Autism & World Meeting of Families. As parents of a child with autism, David and Mercedes promote inclusion for individuals with special needs in the faith. They have developed the Adaptive First Eucharist Preparation Kit, and have authored Spiritually Able: A Parents Guide to Teaching the Faith to Children with Special Needs and Faith, Family, and Children with Special Needs: How Catholic Parents and Their Kids with Special Needs Can Develop a Richer Spiritual Life.


Thank you again, David and Mercedes, for your support for and the CM Hangout, we are blessed to have you in our community and thank you for all you do to promote a greater awareness and support for families with special needs. You can follow the Rizzo's journey on their Facebook page and on Twitter.

Sponsorship Open!

We still have a few more sponsorship openings for the rest of the year and the price is ripe now so if you’d like to help support the CM Hangout and, send us an email to Lisa at CatholicMom dot com or Erika at onesimplemama at gmail dot com.

Mentioned this week:

hangout_720x340You’re invited to be a part of this show. We invite you to the conversation:

Watch for a new episode of CM Hangout next Tuesday and please keep this project in your prayers!

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