Catholic author/blogger/speaker Brandon Vogt recently discussed the idea of name meanings in an article called "Why the Meaning of Your Baby's Name Is More Important Than Its Sound," lamenting that today it seems names “are valued by what they sound like, not what they mean … The sound indeed matters, but the meaning moreso. Ideally, the name would be melodious *and* carry deep meaning. Yet the latter is more significant.” This ties into something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately, because I agree that a name’s meaning is important—but also that there are many who confuse name definitions and name meanings.
Name definitions
Some people are really into the definitions of names, and more power to them—they’re the kind of parents who come up with amazingly meaningful combos like Cora Regina (a spin on the Latin for “heart” [cor] + “queen,” i.e., a nod to the Immaculate Heart of Mary) and Charles Dominic (“man” + “of the Lord”).
Lest you think sticking to saints’ names will preserve you (saints preserve us!) from wonky or unsavory meanings, consider this list of Catholicky Catholic favorites:
Bernadette: “bear” + “strong, hard”
Cecilia: blind
Francis: Frenchman
Mary: “of uncertain origin. It is often derived from the root מר 'to be bitter', but others have suggested it derives from the root מרי'mutiny, rebellion, disobedience'”
Thomas: twin
Xavier: the new house
Going by definitions alone, these aren’t really the kinds of names that make parents think Aha! I MUST give my child a name that means “blind”! I know some who would shy away from the beautiful Cecilia because of its definition, despite the fact that St. Cecilia is a great patron (she’s even in the Canon of the Mass!) And based on this, should Thomas ever be given to a boy who's not a twin?
An added consideration when it comes to name definitions is that not every source is trustworthy. There are scads of books and web sites that claim to tell you what a name means, but are they accurate? One name book lists the name Jude as “form of Judas; disloyal.” Now, it’s correct on the former, but not on the latter. If Jude is a form of Judas, which is the Greek form of Judah, then its meaning would be the same as Judah—“praised”—at least according to one of the sources I consider to be reliable from an etymological standpoint (where etymology is the study of the history and origin of words), as recommended by various linguists I’ve come across in the name world: Behind the Name. (Another great academic source is the Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources; I also give a listing of good books on my blog.) While the author was no doubt inspired by the fact that Judas Iscariot was disloyal by betraying Jesus, “disloyal” isn’t the name’s definition.
Bottom line: When considering a name’s definition, I would encourage you not to put too much weight on it, and always choose a trustworthy source.
Name meanings
Name meanings, on the other hand, are more than their etymological origins—more than their definitions. Abby at the extensively researched and trustworthy name web site Appellation Mountain brilliantly summed up this idea when she said,
“Mallory doesn’t mean sorrowful if your parents met in Mallory, Indiana. Then it means 'small town where my parents met.' And if your parents happened to meet there because it was a dark and stormy night, and your mom had a flat tire and the repair shop was closed and your dad just happened to be in town for a meeting and suddenly, there they were nursing coffee at the Mallory Diner just one seat apart … well, then your name means 'serendipity, twist of fate.'”
Indeed, I think parents’ aesthetic sensibilities play as large a role in the “meaning” of their children’s names as any other consideration, and those sensibilities are sensitive to influence by faith, family, culture, and time period. Brandon Vogt gave the funny example of the actual historical figure with the actual name Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye Lothbrok, which certainly sounds “strange and dissonant” to us today, but was likely handsome and certainly meaningful by the standards of his day.
In regards to Catholic naming, though some aren’t a fan of choosing names based on how they sound, I’ve always thought that choosing saints’ names for such reasons is one of the ways that certain saints might be choosing us, by working with the tastes and inclinations God has given us. If nothing else, I think beauty is as good a reason as any to choose a name for our beloved babies—what a gift, to be given a name associated with beauty and joy, which then becomes part of the name’s meaning for both the parents and the child.
What do you think of the idea that name meanings are different than name definitions? Why did you choose the names you chose for your child(ren)? Were your primary concerns definition, sound, popularity, saintly connection, or some combination of these?
Copyright 2016 Katherine Morna Towne
Photos: St. Cecilia (Florence, 17th century). Attributed to Onorio Marinari [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons; Don Bosco by Molkol (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons.
Featured image: St. Cecilia (Florence, 17th century). Attributed to Onorio Marinari [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
About the Author

Kate Towne
Kate is a writer, wife to a really good man, and mama to their seven boys ages 1 to 15. She shares her thoughts on Catholic baby naming at Sancta Nomina, and her first book, Catholic Baby Names for Girls and Boys: Over 250 Ways to Honor Our Lady (Marian Press, 2018) can be found at and Amazon.