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This past week, we finally caught a break in the action, and still the week sped by. I hadn't been home for a whole week since before July. It felt good to be home, but at the same time, the amount of stuff that "needed" to be done loomed and threatened to undo all the refreshment of three weeks of being out of town, seeing family, and spending time with even more loved ones. It's a bad habit I've worked hard to eliminate, holding onto stress and working everyone into a frenzy about cleaning when what I'm asking is too much too soon. I'm reading a book focusing on little faults and how they steal joy from the past, present and future by preventing one from taking pleasure in company, in place, memory and anticipation. Little faults zap our will to try, our will to be present, and our willingness to keep a good humor. Knowing I have these faults and stopping them from gaining traction are two different things.

Fortunately, my husband knows me and my proclivity to get stressed out when everywhere I see piles. Chocolate, diet Coke, compromise and distraction. "Sherry, everyone will work for an hour. Then, we're stopping." And we did, and the piles reduced and I sat, ate chocolate, drank my diet Coke and read the book. It was a small success that my husband can count anyway.

[Tweet "Perfecting comes in the process of continually seeking to be better #smallsuccess @sherryantonetti"]

The trick in dealing with sin, as with dealing with clutter, is to know the perfecting comes in the process of continually seeking to be better, without despairing that you are not yet perfected. It also helps to have a husband who loves me enough to be that gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit, when I threaten to get off track.

That's my small success for this week.

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Copyright 2016 Sherry Antonetti