Copyright 2015 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp Copyright 2015 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp

Have you ever thought about your faith journey? Most people probably think they don’t really have one, especially those raised in a faith. They were raised in a certain faith tradition and nothing spectacular happened. They just pray, praise God, attend Church, and live their lives. Then there are those who know the moment that their faith journey started; the spark that ignited the fire, the feeling felt when they were saved by Jesus Christ.

What most people don’t realize is that we all experience a faith journey in our lives. Whether we were raised in a faith tradition, or saved by Jesus Christ in a powerful way, we were experiencing a faith journey. Our culture is very caught up in time, the speed of it, and the producti; rarely are we reflective. If each one of us were to reflect on our faith journey we would find a treasure trove of places where we were touched by the gifts of God in others words, actions, and love. We would discover God’s love surrounding us in the crises of our lives as well as the high points.

[Tweet "Discover God’s love surrounding us in the crises and the high points of life. @FaithfilledmomL"]

Consider writing a journal about your faith journey. These questions don’t have to be answered in a “faith light”. Just answer what is true in your heart. After you write the answers you will begin to see God in the memories you didn’t know were there. Here are a few questions to get you started:

1. Who loved you first?
2. Who did you love first?
3. Where did you feel loved as a child?
4. What was your first happy memory as a child?
5. What was your most trying childhood memory?
6. Who did you seek in your times of sadness?
7. Who helped you when you felt lost?
See where this takes you. See if you can connect the dots from childhood until adulthood…
Copyright 2016 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp