Textbook Public Speaking Photo by Meg Bucaro, 2016. All Rights Reserved

One of my college students stopped me after class to ask a few clarifying questions about his upcoming speech assignment. We talked through his questions and were both about to walk away from each other. Then he remembered his last question, “Oh yeah ... how do I begin my speech again?”

Now, this student had been told (multiple times) how to write a proper speech introduction. All the students had ample time during class to learn and practice effective introductions. I knew he knew. He just temporarily forgot.

It reminded me of the time, just days prior, when I was worrying out about a very aggravating situation going on in my life. I'd been praying for months for an answer and I was getting frustrated because it did not appear that any resolution was happening! I was irritated, impatient and getting angry!  Then, it hit me… I had spent more time stewing over this issue than I had spent praying about it. I KNEW that asking the Lord to help us carry our burdens, ask Him for wisdom and give up our worries to Him, is what we are supposed to do. I even KNEW that doing those things actually do work! However, in those frustrating moments, I forgot. I needed a reminder. And in a moment of clarity, I recalled what I was doing wrong. Only then I was able to work to improve my reaction to such situations.

As my own recent experience was running through my head, I told the student where he should focus when writing an introduction. And candidly, for a split second I was considering a snappy answerv… something like, “Possibly you should reread your book chapter, assignment requirements and review your notes.” (I talk a lot in class about  taking responsibility as college students.) However, patience is what the Lord gave me in my recent situation and I, too, needed to pass that consideration onto my student. I reminded him of the answer and seconds later, he replies, “Oh YES! Now I've got it … thanks for that!”

I imagine God could easily flick me on top of the head, when I am stuck in my frustration. He could easily say “HELLO!! Do you not KNOW by now that I am handling this for you, if you just let me?” But instead he lets me come to Him, for a gentle reminder that I need.

Why is it so easy, in our challenges, to forget we are not alone; that Christ is there FOR us, working on our behalf, whether we feel it in that exact moment or not?

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How can you remind yourself, especially amidst those most aggravating or depressing moments when we feel hopeless and frustrated, to turn to Christ? Could it be that this may just give you that gentle reminder to let go of that steering wheel and let Him take it from you?

My student needed a reminder of something I knew he knew. Just like we need gentle reminders of what we already know, like how Christ is ever present in our days…especially during our most trying times… if we let him.

Do you need a reminder as my student did? As I did? Do you spend more time stewing over your stresses or praying over them? Invite Christ into your troubles today. Invite Him to remind you that He is for you, working on your behalf, always, even when you may temporarily forget!

Copyright 2016 Meg Bucaro