Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Luke 23, 35-43 - Christ the King

Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Yet, in the reading today, the crown our king is wearing is not one of gold, but one of thorns. His power is not that of a ruler who sits upon a throne of precious metals, but one of a convict who hangs upon a stake of torture. His kingdom is not one of regal subjects and impressive armies, but one of taunting bystanders and mocking soldiers.

One would think that Jesus would be in utter despair. I would be. All those around him rejected him and showed him only disdain. All but one who saw through the barrage of hate and the veil of contempt and recognized the divine of this fellow criminal who hung beside him. This fellow convict knew that something better, something wonderful was waiting for the one the world was rejecting.

Ah, what we can learn from this lowly thief who had the eyes of faith to identify our Lord and could foresee the paradise that awaits all who believe.


How many times have I reached out to someone in their darkest hour with words of hope and assurance of the kingdom that awaits us all?


Lord, give me eyes of faith that see through the hate and contempt that fill this world and grace me with the ability to recognize the divine in all those I see this day.


Copyright 2016 Cyndi Marlow

Cyndi Marlow lives in Louisville, KY, with her son and six furry friends. She is joyfully witnessing the Catholic faith by serving as Coordinator of Religious Formation at St. Bernard Catholic Church and by creating faith based shareable images and more on her website Embeddedfaith.org.