Guys. Confession time: I am not a crafty mom. Pinterest and me, we're not friends. But art might be my seven-year-old's favorite thing. So while I am good at keeping him stocked up on markers, colored pencils, coloring books, and art supplies, it's mostly a free-play thing for him.
Granted, this has cultivated a brilliant little imagination, but, occasionally, I would like to help him get a little craftier. So, when I was offered the chance to try The Mass Box, I jumped!
If you have never heard of The Mass Box, it is a monthly craft box meant for kids from ages 4 to 8 that helps them to learn the Bible on the liturgical calendar. It comes with a craft that relates to each Sunday's Gospel reading, a Mass Box magazine and Magnifikid! I think that checks all the obligatory Catholic-mom boxes, no?
We got the Lent Box, which is a special-edition box, at the beginning of Holy Week. I have to be honest, I was a smidge intimidated upon initially opening the box. There were a lot of craft bags. Remember, Mrs. Not Crafty over here. But that fear was all for nothing, because each little bag had clear directions and everything we needed for the craft. We decided to go with the Risen Jesus craft for Easter Sunday. (I am still eyeing the Paschal Candle craft for Holy Saturday, but I decided to get my feet wet with this one).
Each week's craft comes in a little sealed bag, clearly dated, with easy to follow instructions and list of materials. The materials are all pretty standard, and if the craft calls for a more specialty item, it is provided. Our craft even had a glue stick included, which, I know is not exactly specialty, but you would be amazed at how quickly those little buggers can go missing around here.
The Risen Jesus Craft was simple and allowed for some creative freedom: Color the Risen Jesus template, cut it out, glue it to the (provided) popsicle stick. They suggested that we cut slits into our Mass Box so Jesus could pop out of it. I was happy to help with this step. My son was able to add his own little touches to the outside of our Tomb.
The best part was I had a captive audience. And not just captive, but one that was happy to be captive. While he worked on the craft, I read him the Gospel reading and we talked about it. It was pretty perfect.
In a matter of 30 minutes, with no prep work and minimal cleanup, we were able to discuss the Gospel reading and bond over a craft. All with no headaches for mama.
I loved The Mass Box so much, we are going to subscribe. There are a few options at very reasonable prices: One Kid Set, Sibling Set, and Trio Set. As my other kiddos are just two, we are going with the One Kid Set. The Mass Box is the perfect product for busy moms who desperately want to teach the faith to their children in engaging ways but are either too busy to put things together themselves, or not creative enough (or both, like me--if you are both, SUBSCRIBE, you will not be sorry).
The Mass Box has generously provided a discount code to readers! Save 10% on your order by using coupon code CATHOLICMOM10 at checkout. This offer is good through June 30, 2017.
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Here's how you can win a FREE edition of The Mass Box to try with your family!
Copyright 2017 Amanda Torres
About the Author
Amanda Torres
Amanda Torres is a Catholic convert, wife, and working mom from St Paul, MN. She is making great use of her Bachelor's Degree in History and Anthropology as a Management Analyst for the State of Minnesota. When she is not busy trying to get her husband, her rambunctious 7 year-old, and toddler twins into Heaven she enjoys reading, writing, and drinking coffee with entirely too much creamer. Amanda also occasionally blogs at In Earthen Vessels: