Helping prepare your little ones for Sunday Mass can be a time-consuming effort. In reality, it was something that just didn't get done in my house. I like to read the Mass readings online and the Gospel reflections for myself, but rarely did I have the time or energy to work on something for my young children.
Then I heard about The Mass Box. This great subscription program is designed for four to eight year old children to teach them about the gospel reading with a short online webisode, a pre-packaged craft for each week, and an awesome little magazine with the Mass readings, a coloring page about the Gospel and written instructions on how to do each craft.
The family who started this company writes on their site:
The Mass Box began as a family, just like any other! Parents Ashley and Raymond saw a need to do more with our children Clare (5), Dominic (3) and Joseph (<1). They struggled to behave at Mass, let alone get anything out of it. The few Sundays we actually spent time preparing with the kids for Mass in an age-appropriate way were far more meaningful and had far fewer meltdowns. Crafts were especially useful, but we almost never had time to find or come up with a craft, get all the materials, AND actually do the craft with our kids.
I had the opportunity to trial this product over a year ago during Lent and my five year old loved it so much, she begged me to subscribe to it when it was made available this Advent. How could I say no? As part of her Christmas gift, I bought her a subscription. It has been the best present ever! Unlike the rest of the gifts that are sitting in the toy box, she loves coming home from school once a month and seeing a package just for her, and she especially enjoys watching the video together each week and doing the cute (and age appropriate) craft.
As a busy mom, I love The Mass Box too. Each week Raymond (the dad) does a great explanation of the gospel for the kids in the video. He always seems to find a really great way to connect the Gospel to something that will stick with the kids. I also appreciate that The Mass Box staff sends me an email each week with the video to remind me to watch the short clip and do the craft together. I'll admit, there are some weeks we end up streaming it on my phone as we drive down to Mass and doing the craft after church, but then everyone in the car gets the opportunity to listen! It helps all of us, even the teenager, prepare for what we are going to be hearing at Mass that day. As a bonus, the Mass Box team now includes a video for adults. We are currently learning about preparing for Pentecost with Awakening the Domestic Church.
The Mass Box is a great opportunity for your little ones to see their faith in a new light and would be a perfect gift for a First Communion, Birthday or Christmas for your child or Godchild. If you aren't into crafting, you can also just subscribe for the magazine so you have a great resource to take with you to Mass.
The Mass Box has generously provided a discount code to readers! Save 10% on your order by using coupon code CATHOLICMOM10 at checkout. This offer is good through June 30, 2017.
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Copyright 2017 Michele Faehnle
About the Author
Michele Faehnle
Michele Faehnle is a wife, mother of 4 and a school nurse. In her free time she enjoys volunteering for the church and is the co-chair of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference. She is also the co-author of The Friendship Project, Divine Mercy For Moms, Our Friend Faustina and Pray Fully; Simple Steps to Becoming a Woman of Prayer. Read more of her work at