Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do next. I’m standing on the edge, in a liminal space, neither here nor there, waiting and wondering. You see, I am officially an empty nester. Both of my wonderful children are married: my son nine months ago and my daughter barely two months ago. My husband and I are now back where we started 33 ½ years ago. Just the two of us, only with lots more stuff!
On one hand the possibilities are endless, and on the other hand, I just want to be still. What will win? I pray, drink tea, wait, ponder, and have a conversation running almost constantly in the back of my mind as I go through my daily tasks. “Is this it Lord? Is this what I should do? No, wait, what about this?” It’s tiring. And exciting. And this big part of me says, “Do the scary thing” because, hey, what do I have to lose?
In the end, the scary thing just might win. Because if Jesus gave his life so that we could have an abundant life, and the scary thing is a way to live out that abundant life, we should do it. There is no one way to live your life. Each day we are given many choices and chances to serve God. All equally good. How do we choose? If we always go to the comfortable and familiar, what are we learning? We don’t grow into the best possible person by never moving out of our comfort zone. We need to give ourselves the little push, listen to the Spirit as you are nudged or if like me, pulled, kicking and screaming, toward the next thing. God knows our hearts and our desires; he wants us to succeed.
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Do the scary thing because “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled” (Luke 1:45).
What is the scary thing God wants you to do?
Copyright 2017 Deanna Bartalini
About the Author
Deanna Bartalini
Deanna G. Bartalini, M.Ed.; M.P.A., is a certified spiritual director, writer, speaker and content creator. She is the founder of the online community, a place to inform, engage and inspire your Catholic faith through live, interactive faith studies. Her weekly Not Lukewarm Podcast gives you tips and tools to live out your faith in your daily life.