Today's Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30

I tried to find some lofty thoughts about this reading, some unique interpretation. But, no, it's about simplicity. I should follow the example of children. Their lives are simple, their relationships uncomplicated (mostly). Children can entertain themselves for a long time with a stick or a ball or a favorite doll. They are happy with what they've been given. Children don't see ulterior motives behind every acquaintance's smile. Children communicate plainly and honestly. Children live in the moment, not holding a grudge from yesterday nor worrying about tomorrow. Most of all, children trust and rely on their parents to care for them, help them and love them.

Jesus is telling me to approach my relationship with His (and our) Father as a child. I should be simple, honest and, most of all, trusting. If I relate to God in this way my burdens will be light and my place in the Kingdom assured.

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Where in my life can I approach the Lord more simply and allow Him to shoulder my burdens?


Dear Lord, help me to become more childlike, simple, trusting and grateful. With boundless gratitude I thank you. Amen.


Copyright 2017 Ann Rock

I'm a mother of a 21 year old son. Last year my husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. I work as a home health companion to senior citizens.

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