"The Morning Prayer: A Prayer for Discernment" by Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com) Via Pixabay (2015), CC0 Public Domain.


I need your direction today.

Give me your senses as I navigate about my day. Give me your sense of touch so I can love people the way you love them. Give me your sense of smell so I can enjoy all of creation that your Father created. Give me your eyes so I can see the world less as a disaster and more as a field ripe for harvest. Give me your ears so I can pray directly to someone's heart beat and not what I think they need. Give me your sense of taste so I can enjoy food as more than just a meal but as daily bread.

Jesus, help me turn off the noise of the world and the “fake news.” Give me your truth and Spirit so that I can navigate life with my family, friends, co workers, and anyone I come into contact with.

Make me more like you and all that you are.

[tweet "Make me more like you and all that you are. #prayer to begin each day by @JavaandJesus"]

Copyright 2017  Jason Weirich