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"Shoutout to Hope" by Maggie Eisenbarth (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Justin Schneir. All rights reserved. Used with permission.[/caption] Hope Schneir, that is. Hope is a wonderful example of a holy Catholic mom and every now and then we all need a shout out! CatholicMom.com is a wonderful place to find encouragement, hope and support while we grow as mothers and women of faith. If you would have told me twenty years ago that I would be identifying as a "Catholic mom" I probably would have rolled my eyes and imagined an old woman dressed in weird clothes with an outdated hairdo and pious, bored children. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that God has blessed my life with really incredible women who are Catholic, fun, talented, wise, hilarious, joyful, compassionate, smart, creative, and generous. I could go on and on about my tribe; I pray you have one too. If not, tap into these moms here at CatholicMom.com, connect to Catholic moms on Facebook, search for them on Instagram, start your own pray and play at your home, and -- today -- listen to Hope's music and read an excerpt of her writing. Hope and I have a long history -- actually since her birth. Our mothers are best friends and her sisters are my own kindred spirits. I used to daydream Hope would marry my little brother. That was a daydream: the reality is, she met her soulmate at Franciscan University and their love and ability to jam on the guitar bound them together. If we are to renew our culture, we will do it through the arts, music, and literature; filling our homes with good music, steeped in themes that move the heart. This is what our children need. Hope and her husband, Justin are part of the revival of families. They have a quiver full of arrows and the walls of their home echo with life and rhythm. Their newest album is incredible; our family cannot stop jamming to it. Hope Schneir has strong Vermont roots: humble, authentic, full of folk -- whimsical with a dose of warrior, her roots are grounded in faith, a love for our Lord; pure, grateful, romantic -- an outpouring of self. Her California branches bear fruits of adventure, boot stomping, children, and folk-music awards. Listen up! First: Watch and hear their story on EWTN's Life On the Rock and listen to Hope belting out lyrics with a belly full of baby! https://youtu.be/rCouWgooAqE Second: Watch their stinkin' cute son interviewing them at their home and tune in to Wait on You, my new favorite tune -- well, one of them! I love them all. I sip tea to Blue Pony and soak in the harmony. I get the goosebumps and I cry every single time I hear it; I grew up listening to her father sing (who accompanies her on this one, like James Taylor ...) Third: Go to Hope and Justin and buy one of their albums and fill your home with jams for the whole family. When you are done binging on their blend of contemporary folk pop you can also read one of my favorite writings of Hope's about the Miraculous Medal at The Fike Life Blog.
Copyright 2018 Maggie Eisenbarth