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"Lessons in Lent" by Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com)[/caption] With Lent continuing on ... the lessons learned tend to increase. Identity in Christ. Above all else, this is vital. My identity in Christ is more important than what I do for a job or my social status. Without my identity in Christ, I am lost. Without my identity in Christ, I am wondering and searching for purpose. As Jesus kept his eyes on God during the good and bad times, I too must focus on the love and passion of God in not just what I do but in who I am. Love. Ah, love. Love is what we need but it makes us vulnerable. Jesus calls us to love. In times where everyone is posting their opinions on social media and easily angered, we are still called to love. People need to hear that they are loved. This world can be a brutal place; loving like Jesus can open hearts and minds to a relationship with Him. Confession. One of the most freeing exercises I have encountered in the last 2 weeks is confession. I am thankful for this because it keeps us grounded in faith, open to forgiveness, and ready for transformation.

Points to Ponder:

  1. What lessons have you learned in these last 2 weeks of Lent?
  2. What have you given up for Lent?
  3. Be cautious with social media use--especially during Lent. Have you lost your focus?

Copyright 2018 Jason Weirich