“And in my name they have uttered lies—which I did not authorize. I know it and am a witness to it, declares the Lord.”It wasn’t the scripture I was looking for but it was certainly applicable and meant for me to read today. I was looking for another scripture that I believe God had given me approximately three years ago. One morning a little over three years ago, I was reading through some Facebook posts of scripture with beautiful backgrounds. The one that hit me was Jeremiah 29:11.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”How perfect the scripture was for me as I often wondered what my future would hold and how God would protect me. I knew that God specifically was giving me this scripture to give me peace and comfort. That day I went to a Christian bookstore. The children were looking around and asking for items. We were on a very fixed and uncertain income. I told them that we were just looking today. Then I told God, “I sure would like something engraved with that scripture you gave me." At that moment I looked up at a rack. On it were rings and key chains.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.“First of all I couldn’t believe that the very thing I was seeking was right in front of me. Secondly I couldn’t believe that all of it fit on one ring. It was a twisted circle with engraving on both sides. A neverending circle of these words. Since I had already told my children that we weren’t buying anything, I certainly couldn’t buy something for myself. I felt a little guilty walking away without the ring but hoped I could one day get it. A couple weeks later I was at the Paulist Press Catholic bookstore. I asked the worker if they had anything with the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 printed on it. I told her about the ring I had seen. She looked all around the store with me. She thought they might have a key chain or something, but they did not. She walked around the store, looking everywhere. Nothing. Disappointed, I still looked around the store for a couple of minutes. I went to the rack of rings. I didn’t see anything at first.

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)Remembering God’s word and trusting it is my job. Remaining upright and praying for my enemy is my job. These are all things that I can accomplish with God’s help. God is in charge of the rest. I wear this ring today along with my miraculous medal from Paris, and the Saint Benedict medal as reminders of who is on my team. Have courage! It’s a winning team indeed!
Copyright 2018 Marya Hayes
About the Author

Marya Hayes
Marya Hayes is mother to 3 active teens and is a military spouse. Her days consist of running the household and her mini business, and driving her teens daily all over the planet. Her favorite saints include St Francis de Sales, Saint Benedict, Padre Pio, and JPII. Marya enjoys cooking, hiking, and spending time with the family outdoors. Pray, hope, and don’t worry!