Copyright 2018 Ellen Mongan. All rights reserved.[/caption]
The Lord Jesus spoke to me many years ago in the quiet of my soul: words that I have never forgotten. Jesus said, “When I stood before my Father, I had nail scars on my hands, nail scars on my feet, the wound marks from the crown of thorns on my head, but I had no scars on my heart. I had forgiven all who had injured me, and all those who offended me. I had blessed all those who had cursed me. I held no bitterness. I had no scars. Life can scar your soul. What scars are you holding onto, my friend?”
Then I wrote in prayer: The Blood of Jesus can cleanse even the deepest wound. Are you wounded? Do you need spiritual surgery? Sit at the foot of the Cross with Mother Mary and John, and let Jesus heal you. Go to the Adoration Chapel and let Jesus do spiritual surgery on your heart. He alone sees the scars that are so deeply hidden that no one else knows they are there. You do not even see them or feel them, but they are there. They affect your life. Let the “Surgeon General” heal your sin-sick soul. Do not be afraid. He made the heart tender and He loves you with all His heart.
God has taught me that He heals us within as we spend time with Him. He promises to be near to the brokenhearted. Let Him take that heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh. This is my prayer for the Body of Christ:
Dear God,
Make us whole within, so we can love all we meet, with the love that only comes from You. Let us willingly work with your Holy Spirit to be healed on the inside. May the smile on our face be a reality of peace within our hearts. May we wear a permanent smile that comes from the joy of knowing you as Savior and as our Lord! Let us know you in the intimacy of our prayer closet, as the One who was and the One who is and, the One who is to come. May we run to you daily, to heal the hurts. When the storms of life hit us, let us run to you for refuge. It is then that you will teach us to walk on the water. Let us know that You are not a God afar, but rather, it is in you that we live and move and have our being. Let us seek to know you, to love you and to serve you, because for that reason we have been made. Let us trust you, not only with our lives for guidance, but also with our hearts for healing. Let us know that you will walk on the water just to rescue our boats from sinking, or heal our wounded hearts from the storms of life. Oh God, let us really know you for ourselves.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Copyright 2018 Ellen Mongan. All rights reserved.[/caption]
Do you have time today, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to let the God who made you, who loves you, and who died for you, begin to heal you on the inside? Do not be afraid, He will not leave a scar. Sit at the foot of His Cross; let Him finish the work He began. It takes time to heal a deep wound. Do you trust Him?
When you stand before God, your Father, in your heavenly home, how many scars will you bring with you? The Word of God says, “But he was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquity. He bore the punishment that makes us whole, by his wounds we were healed.” (Is. 53:5) He cares about the pains in your heart and the pains in your body, give them all to Jesus. Let the Peace of Christ reign, in your heart, in your home and, in your world.
Surrender all your scars to Jesus. He died that you might live. Be fully alive in Him. My friend, seek to be scar free. Remember, the Word of God says, “A slave does not remain in a household forever, but a son always remains. So if a son frees you, then you will truly be free.” (John 8:35-36) It also says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Cor. 3:17)
How free are you? True freedom is found at the foot of the Cross. Have you been there lately?
Copyright 2018 Ellen Mongan