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"Twinsy Twins" by Jake Frost (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Jake Frost. All rights reserved.[/caption] One cold, snowy, winter day my daughters — then aged 3 and 4 — were delighted to receive a package in the mail from Grandma. Inside were matching pajamas and matching handmade robes. They resolved to spend the whole day in their new PJs and, with identical outfits, be “Twinsy Twins.” They ran upstairs and when they emerged again they were cozy in their matching pajamas and matching robes. But they had a dilemma: their slippers were different! The spell of identical outfits was shattered. They couldn’t be Twinsy Twins with mismatched slippers! What to do? They worked together and came up with a solution: they traded one slipper each so that their slippers were identically mismatched. And voila! They were Twinsy Twins right down to the soles of their feet! The day was saved and all was bright and cheery in our happy little home as the snows swirled outside. I heard a great saying from Chip and Joanna Gaines on Fixer Upper: “Team work makes the dream work.” It’s true in family life just as it is in business. And Twinsy Twin fashion!
Copyright 2018 Jake Frost