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"Levels of freedom" by Marya Hayes (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dino Carbetta. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption] Before I write, I pray for God to guide me with the content. I am almost a blank slate. I write on the thing that seem to click, resonate, and stay in the forefront of my mind for a day or so. Sometimes after I write the article, or even after it is published, something happens that is directly related to what I just wrote. Sometimes I wish I could circle back and tell you all what happened. But a month later, when writing that next article, I find myself going back to God to find out what that next topic should be. This month God is working with me on the topic of freedom. As you know, God's definition of freedom isn't always what you would expect, and in the order that you expect it or want it. But ultimately it is all for your benefit. As I repeat in all my articles, praising God for his perfect plan is at the root of your happiness for each outcome. Trust in His omniscience.   "Levels of freedom" by Marya Hayes (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dino Carbetta. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption] Four years ago, I attained a physical freedom. I can't go into details at this time, because it is not yet the right forum or time to disclose the story. If you read some of my articles, you might have an idea to what I am referring. Following my initial physical freedom, I was granted a financial and temporal freedom. I remember praying in the church shortly before one event occurred. I felt in my spirit that God was telling me, "It's OK; I am going to grant you part two of your freedom." It was something that I didn't initially want to happen, because I relied on that income, and what happened to me was very hurtful on various levels. That temporal freedom I gained that day gave me time to spend with my future husband. We were able to spend many many hours together that year because I was released from a bond that truly was a chain. I had a new gift of time and we spent it well.   "Levels of freedom" by Marya Hayes (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dino Carbetta. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption] Following that I was granted a "spiritual freedom," that can only be granted by the Church. At first I was concerned, even though I had been told many times by many priests that I had nothing to worry about it, I was still worried. What if they were wrong? One day again at Mass, the Lord reassured me that I need not worry. He had this under control. Within the next six months I had the spiritual freedom that I needed. While the article I wrote for February was titled "Expect the Unexpected," I couldn't imagine in my wildest and darkest dreams what was about to rattle my world. I wrote the words "Expect the Unexpected," and there was no way I could have predicted what would happen a few days after I wrote those words. I almost kicked myself for writing that article, and had to laugh that God was testing my ability to live up to what I had just written. It led us down a very strange and unexpected path that we would not have navigated to on our own. Our faith and hope tells us, God has a plan for this. It will turn out better than you could have planned. "Trust in Me!" "Levels of freedom" by Marya Hayes (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dino Carbetta. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption] As we celebrate our Lord's passion, dying and rising, I relate this to the theme of freedom: Freedom from sin, freedom from death, freedom from despair, freedom from oppression. What must you do to attain the freedom? You have to let go. You have to submit to God's plan. His path, is not usually the carefree, painless, thornless way. As a matter of fact, it's often a white-knuckle kind of ride, with great uncertainty, and then periods of happiness and relief. My particular case is especially like a roller coaster because of a certain unstable element in our lives. There are many unstable elements in all our lives. I am not sure how many levels of freedom God is aiming at granting me, but I know that the more I open up to them, the more He will grant. The opening up to the levels is dying to oneself and trusting God's plan. Remember, God loves a good plot twist, so hang on! "Levels of freedom" by Marya Hayes (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dino Carbetta. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption] So now, as this uncertain element has wielded a great amount of anxiety and suffering, it also created an opportunity for change in our lives. Only God can make lemonade out of these lemons. I am praying for victory against my oppressors. First, I prayed for their conversion. Ultimately I do not know the title of the next freedom that I will be granted, but I know it is around the corner. Resurrection = Freedom "Levels of freedom" by Marya Hayes (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Dino Carbetta. Used with permission. All rights reserved.[/caption]
Copyright 2018 Marya Hayes