Cat: Book Notes Tag: Books, Book Notes, Reading, featured-slider Featured image: Book Notes logo TAG LINE BELOW COPYRIGHT IF AMAZON AFFLINKS ARE INCLUDED -- editor will handle this but it helps if you notify editor up here if you have afflinks This article contains Amazon affiliate links; your purchases through these links benefit the author. EXCERPT: 20 words or less, include your full name -------- EDITOR WILL DELETE EVERYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE WHEN SCHEDULING -------- Book-Notes-720-x-340-dark-gold-outline-and-medium-blue-pen-_-Notes-light-blue-702x336A new book on Pope Francis demonstrates the humanity of the man who heads the universal Church. A Future of Faith: The Path of Change in Politics and Society (St. Martin's Press, 2018) shows how deeply and profoundly the Holy Father cares about his fellow man (and woman). The book is based on a series of interviews with the Pope conducted by French author Dominique Wolton. The interviewer intersperses his dialogue with excerpts from various addresses Pope Francis has delivered over the years. The result is a work rich in meaning for both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. One of the best parts of the book is a section entitled, "Some Phrases of Pope Francis." Wolton notes:
"During our conversations, the Pope, who has the gift of expressing himself simply, directly and sometimes provocatively, came out with some surprising phrases. Some of them are in the book, others not. I've chosen a few that I quote at random."
These gems of wit and wisdom include:
My favorite words? Joy, tenderness, closeness, amazement, wonder. What should we do with young people? Follow them while guiding them.
And my personal favorite, as one who spends far too much time as a couch potato:
Don't confuse happiness with a sofa.
Touches of humor aside, A Future of Faith addresses a number of solemn topics, including peace and war, religion and politics, Europe and cultural diversity, and culture and communications, among other weighty subjects. For instance, Pope Francis opines, "... with war you lose everything. While with peace you win everything." The pontiff notes that his greatest personal joy is that he is at peace with the Lord (something for which we all should strive). For Pope Francis, the Church is synonymous with tenderness:
"For me, visiting the sick, going to prison, making a prisoner feel that he can have hope of becoming a member of society...that's what the Church preaches. The Church preaches more with its hands than with its words."
When Wolton asks what the biggest threat to peace is in the world today, Pope Francis replies simply, "Money." Meanwhile, when asked his advice for people venturing into politics, the Pope states, "Do it to serve. Do it out of love. Don't do it out of personal interest, out of greed or a desire for power." Words to live by -- as so many of Pope Francis' words are! How have Pope Francis' words affected your life?

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Copyright 2018 Maria V. Gallagher