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"DADlife Survival Skills" by Jason Weirich (CatholicMom.com) Copyright 2018 Jason Weirich. All rights reserved.[/caption] Everyone has experienced that one defining moment in their parenting life: the diaper blowout in public. Last week, I ventured to Sam’s Club with Michael and our goal was to compare prices for a few things for the house. Additionally, I was desiring one of their soft pretzels. The mission was simple: grab a snack and compare prices. Sounds pretty simple, huh? We walked around Sam’s Club and I enjoyed my soft pretzel and soda. We price-checked several aisles and I remembered that dog treats are always cheaper at Sam’s Club. We continued to walk around and the senior citizens enjoyed smiles from Michael. Michael’s smile transformed into a frustrated face. His face grew red and he pooped in his diaper. No big deal: I will go change him and we can price-compare a few more things. And then I smelled it!!! I knew we were venturing into a world I had never ventured into out in public. Praise Jesus that the family restroom was open, as that was where Michael and I headed. I opened his diaper and realized my worst fear: He had a blowout! His shirt and shorts were no longer useful, as they were soiled. I stripped him down and changed his diaper. My next step was to locate the extra clothes my wife always leaves in the diaper bag. Digging deep into the abyss of the bag, I discovered that that were no extra clothes. It was time to attempt to channel my inner MacGyver. Note: I said “attempt.” I scrubbed the soiled clothes with soap and hot water and then tried to dry them in the hand dryer. This occurred for about 10 minutes while I distracted my son and sang made-up songs to him. After 10 minutes, the clothes were not dry and we left the store. I tell you this story for several reasons.
  • We must be prepared for diaper blowouts and other messes. Life is unpredictable.
  • We must relish the small things. A simple snack while out for the day or a coffee with a friend -- these small moments are breaks in the everyday.
  • Learn to laugh. I could have grown angry because I did not pack extra clothes. Yes, washing his clothes in the sink and blow drying them did not work; however, this was a lesson for me and an experience to pass on to you.
  • Change is inevitable for all of us. My parenting has changed since we had our first child. My outlook on life continues to change as I walk with Jesus. Not all change is necessary but if you never EVER change, you will miss out on what God has for you in the moment. You will also be deeply miserable.

Copyright 2018 Jason Weirich