I think it’s safe to say that many of us who visit CatholicMom.com have a devotion to the Rosary. I hope to hear from many of you in the coming months about your story and special devotion to the Rosary. For now, I wanted to share mine with the hope it will inspire you to invite someone in your life – a new or old friend, a family member or neighbor – to take up this devotion as well.
While I was raised Catholic and my mother was quietly devoted to the Rosary, I don’t recall ever praying the Rosary as a family or learning any of the Mysteries. It wasn’t until my now-husband finally asked me to marry him, and I moved to the town he grew up in, that I truly discovered the Rosary. Eight weeks after Mike and I were engaged, my nephew, the oldest grandchild in our family, died tragically young on June 1 in a car accident.
Mike and I were supposed to get married in August but we pushed off the wedding to give my sister and parents a chance to get some sort of equilibrium back. The boat continued to rock into December when my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He died the following April and in the following three years, my mom and Mike’s two brothers all dealt with serious illness and none survived. In the first five years of our marriage, we buried five immediate family members.
In the middle of all of this sadness, we gave birth to three beautiful children. Each time we were saying goodbye to someone and caring for them in hospice, we were expecting or welcoming a new little one. It was a lot; it could have suffocated our young family. But along came MaryJo. MJ, as we all affectionately call her, was launching a LifeTeen program at our parish and I volunteered to help on the Core team in honor of my nephew. Our new acquaintance quickly blossomed into a sisterhood.
At every turn that first year of my marriage when life was overwhelming me, she would gently encourage me to learn the Mysteries of the Rosary and pray them daily. I was working at a law firm in Boston part-time, and I put a Rosary card (that MJ had given me) published by Holy Cross Family Ministries above my car visor. Each week I committed to learning one Mystery of the Rosary until I had them all memorized.
Having your dad go through hospice while you are 900 miles away, pregnant with your first child, is not an easy thing, but this kept me grounded – praying for him, praying for my mom and opening myself up to the Holy Spirit helped me handle the situation on both fronts. My husband, who had prayed the Rosary daily in college, also began praying the Rosary during his daily commute to work. The Rosary became our lifeline.
Four years later, when my sweet mom Beatrice was too weak to speak, she looked me straight in the eyes as I prayed the Rosary at her bedside. It was the last time we were together, as I was not able to travel the final six weeks of my pregnancy. I realized in that moment that while learning and praying the Rosary had been my anchor the previous four years, the Blessed Mother was also preparing me as I helped my mom in her final weeks on earth by praying the Rosary with her – something we had never done together in my adult life.
When I left her bedside, I made my older siblings promise me they would pray it with her until she passed – a promise they kept. Our third child was born six days after my mom died, and we named her Grace Mary. At the birth my Hindu obstetrician asked if her name was after the “Hail Mary Full of Grace” prayer – and I said it most certainly was. It was only fitting, after all the Blessed Mother had done for me during this emotional time.
Fast forward to 2013 when we moved our family to Easton, Massachusetts to be closer to my husband's job. What is down the street? The Father Peyton Center, home of Holy Cross Family Ministries! A “Godincidence” as we say at Cursillio for certain – it is a little slice of heaven, complete with daily Rosary followed by Mass with the Holy Cross Fathers. Father Peyton can be felt in this place as we continue his mission to promote Family Rosary.
I am thrilled to help lead this effort to provide an online chapter of the Fr. Peyton Prayer Guild so we can connect with each other once a month in this devotion and invite others to learn to pray the Rosary. We hope you will join us on January 9 at 1:30 p.m. ET!
If you have a story of how the Rosary has influenced your life, please share it with us!
What is The Father Peyton Prayer Guild?
The Father Peyton Prayer Guild is one worldwide community of prayer. The Guild is comprised of chapters (five or more individuals), families, and individuals that commit to pray for:
1. The canonization of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.
2. The continuation of his mission through Holy Cross Family Ministries who still promote Father Peyton’s famous message, “The family that prays together stays together.”
3. Their own family and all families around the world. Guild members are asked to convene at least three times a year to pray the Rosary for these intentions.
Our CatholicMom.com online chapter, Mary, Mother of our Church, will convene once a month beginning January 9, 2019 to pray the Rosary together using the CatholicMom Facebook Live platform – or members can simply commit to praying a Rosary that day for the intentions of our chapter as well as their own!
As a member, you will receive regular updates on the progress of Father Peyton’s Cause for Sainthood, our chapter’s special intentions will be remembered at a special monthly Mass at the Father Peyton Center and you will be invited to Holy Cross Family Ministries’ events throughout the country, particularly in your local area.
To become a member of our “virtual” chapter, please complete the Google signup form below. The only commitment is your time. There is no membership fee! If you choose to provide your address, Holy Cross Family Ministries will send you a Guild member welcome kit which will includes some prayer resources!
Copyright 2018 Margaret Dwyer Hogan
About the Author

Margaret Dwyer Hogan
Margaret Dwyer Hogan is Manager for Catholic Mom. A wife, mom of four children, and former Director of Religious Education at two parishes, Margaret resides in Easton, Massachusetts. She also works with International Family Rosary to promote Rosary prayer in families using the children's Chapters of the Peyton Prayer Guild in 17 countries.