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"Lean on God" by Colleen Spiro (CatholicMom.com) Léonard Cotte, Unsplash.com (2017), CC0/PD[/caption]   By the end of March, I will be retired. Never thought I would see the day, but there it is. If it is in my calendar then it must be true. My calendar does not lie. Retirement. As a result of that major change I my life, we are moving. Moving to be closer to some of our grown children. Moving to a place we can afford, because, of course, I am retiring. That is also in my calendar. And on my to-do list every day. My to-do list does not lie. Moving. And then there is my recent illness, which kept me out of work for close to four months. Thanks to insurance and good benefits, I had some income while I was out of work. But the stress of the illness itself, and the length of time it took to diagnose it, was intense. I lost close to 70 pounds. All the tests finally helped my doctors come up with a diagnosis. Treatment? Rest. That was about all I could do. My body does not lie. Illness. I looked up the list of the top five stressors in life. Retirement (or change of jobs), moving, and major illness were all in the top five. I had three of the top five stressors. Oooh boy. So, what do we do with stress? How do we handle it? How do we survive it? I survived it by leaning on God and my husband. They make quite a pair. A really good team. Their love and their presence carried me through it. Love and Presence.
For I am the LORD your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, “Fear not, I will help you.” (Isaiah 41:13)

Copyright 2019 Colleen Spiro