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Please join us in prayer! This is the second day of our 2020 CatholicMom Mother's Day novena. Each day for nine days, we will be praying to Mary, along with a different saint, asking God to bless all mothers. A different contributor will lead us in prayer each day.

Today, author Roxane Salonen shares a reflection about St. Gianna and leads us in prayer. Please pray along with us, and then tune in every morning for the newest prayer.

Please feel free to leave any specific prayer intentions you have in the comments. Thank you for praying with us.

[Tweet "How can we pray for you? Please join us as @peacegardenmama leads us in Day 2 of the CatholicMom Mother's Day novena."]

St. Gianna, pray for us! Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Get caught up on the Mother's Day Novena prayers.

Copyright 2020 Danielle Bean