Reflecting on Mary’s Assumption into Heaven made Kelly Guest realize that, until the end of time, a mother’s job is never really done.
Tomorrow, August 15th, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After her mission on earth was completed, Jesus brought His Mother, body and soul, into Heaven. Finally, Mary could kick back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of her labor, praising and worshipping God. Right?
Not quite! Our Lady’s mission as Mother of the Savior of the world did not end with her Assumption into heaven. Mary continues to intercede for us before the throne of God. To this day, she works to see that not a drop of her Son’s Precious Blood is wasted. As Mother of us all, Mary will not rest until we are safely home.
Marian Apparitions
To this end, God has sent Mary into the world throughout time to remind and encourage us to live as children of God. These private revelations, sanctioned by the Church, have inspired millions all around the world to worship and live for her Son.
In 1531, Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego dressed as an Aztec princess. She revealed herself to Juan as his spiritual mother and the mother of all mankind. She left a picture of herself on his tilma, hidden behind the miraculous roses he had picked as proof of her existence. Her image on the tilma can still be seen today in Guadalupe, Mexico.
Suffering refugees in Vietnam found comfort and healing when Our Lady of La Vang appeared to them as they hid in the jungle to avoid the persecution of the Nguyen Dynasty in 1798.
Then, in 1830, Mary conversed three times with Saint Catherine Labouré, a daughter of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, showing her the design of the medal of the Immaculate Conception, which became better known as the Miraculous Medal.
To hearten an end to blasphemy and Sabbath breaking, Mary appeared to two children, Maximin Giraud and Melanie Calvat, in La Salette, France, in 1846.
Perhaps the most well-known apparition to take place in France, though, was at Lourdes, where our Lady in 1858 revealed herself to Saint Bernadette Soubirous as the Immaculate Conception. She asked for prayers and penance for the conversion of sinners. Mary, also, left behind at the grotto of her apparition a miraculous spring of water with healing powers.
In Fatima, Portugal, three shepherd children, Lucia de Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, saw our Lady on the thirteenth of every month between May and October in the year 1917. As World War I raged on, Mary encouraged the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. As at Lourdes, she asked the children to recite the rosary and offer up penances for sinners.
For those who heed Mary’s message, the results of her apparitions effect a positive spiritual change: conversion of heart, an increase in piety and charity, and devotion to the things of Heaven. (No wonder Jesus keeps sending her back to earth!)
Uniting our Work with Mary’s
In the throes of our duties of motherhood, there are times when we may need a bit of a conversion of heart. To serve better, we must pray more and love greater. And if we can keep our minds on the things that are above, then our tasks here below will sanctify us.
While weeding and gardening, think of Juan Diego picking roses for the Queen of Heaven.
When a sick child has you nestled at home, remember Our Lady of La Vang comforting and caring for her children.
If your child crawls up into your lap while you are trying to get something done, reflect on the great joy Saint Catherine experienced laying her head on Mary’s lap!
Imagine our Lady smiling as you settle your family into a pew at church, even if the lady in the pew behind you and your toddlers ... isn’t.
Let the spilled juice recall the graces flowing from the spring at Lourdes.
And at the end of a long, busy day, when you have no more energy to give as you climb into bed, grab your Rosary and start praying. Don’t fret if you fall asleep before you finish; my mama always said your guardian angel will finish it for you.
So, the next time as you go to sit down and a child calls, “Mommy!”, or just as you begin to drift off to sleep the baby cries, remember our Heavenly Mother Mary. A mother’s job is never done.
By the way, which is your favorite Marian apparition? Why?
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Copyright 2024 Kelly Guest
Images: iStockPhoto.com, licensed for use by Holy Cross Family Ministries
About the Author

Kelly Guest
Kelly Guest is the author of Saintly Moms: 25 Stories of Holiness. For over 30 years, she has worked in various ministries in the Church, beginning with her five years as a Dominican sister. She is now the Director of Family Faith Formation at her parish. She lives with her husband Paul and their nine wonderful children in the rolling country hills of Maryland.