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Kelly Tallent shares a reminder that addiction is not always substance abuse, and offers a prayer for God's mercy.

Addiction is a nasty thing. Many times, when we hear the word “addiction” we think drugs or alcohol, but several years ago, as I was indignantly going toe-to-toe with someone suffering from a tobacco addiction, the Lord reminded me that addiction comes in all shapes and sizes. For me, it was social media and my phone. I thought these things as a lesser evil because they weren’t illegal or regulated substances, however consuming anything in an obsessive manner is not healthy for the body, mind, or soul.

That being said, I wrote a prayer to remind me of: 1) How to view addiction; 2) How to be mercy for those actively suffering from addiction; 3) How to act when God reveals your own failings.

O Lord, help me to see your face in those suffering from addiction. Help me to not get offended at their struggles. Help me to see the pain on Your innocent face as You bore my sins and my transgressions. Help me see the gift of mercy that You gave to me and help me share that mercy with others. How perfect are Your ways, my Savior, how relentless is Your love?

Even in my foolishness and in my self-righteous piety, as I was pointing out the speck in my brother’s eye, you were preparing a way for me to see the plank in my own. I am humbled that you thought so much of me as to point out my errors so that I could draw closer to You. You, the God of the Universe, desires to be near to me. You cannot stand sin and pride repulses You, yet You saw the blood of Your Son covering my sinfulness and You extended Your mighty arm in my direction.

Merciful Father, I am undeserving of the attention that You bestow upon me. Your loving eyes are forever on me. I tremble, humbled at Your loving gaze. Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall me healed.


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Consuming anything in an obsessive manner is not healthy for the body, mind, or soul. #catholicmom

For those who are dealing with addiction or have a family member who is struggling, please reach out to us here at Holy Cross Family Ministries and we will pray with you and for you.

May the peace of the Lord be with you always.

Copyright 2021 Kelly Tallent
Image: Canva Pro