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Jason Weirich offers strategies for allowing Advent to disrupt - and grow - your faith.

We often neglect the season that is Advent because it is easier to focus on the one-day barrage known as Christmas Day. Let’s face it: Christmas is much more enticing. Have you ever watched a movie that focused on the warm-fuzzy feelings of Advent? Probably not! Most of the movies that you watch between now and December 25 are CHRISTMAS movies! I do not believe that a director is bold enough to produce a movie about Advent. 

The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas. (United States Council of Catholic Bishops


Did I mention that Advent is disruptive? It shows up between Thanksgiving and Christmas and catches us by total surprise. 

Holy disruptions: oh, how we so desperately need them.

Advent holy disruption 2 JWeirich

Advent is disruptive. It shows up between Thanksgiving and Christmas and catches us by total surprise.  #catholicmom

If you are trying to experience Advent in 4 weeks of holy disruptions, try the following to rock your faith and the faith of those around you:

  • STOP doing what you have always done at Advent/Christmas. This may come as a shocker, but if you mix up your traditions at a holiday, you might experience more peace and less boredom. I am not advocating that you skip Mass or do anything unspiritual. I am asking you to stop doing things out of habit and do them because they worship God and bring life to others.
  • LOOK for opportunities to serve others. Holidays are a very vulnerable and sometimes depressing time of the year for the elderly, sick, homeless, or those with financial struggles. It is much easier to give a Christmas present than it is to get involved in someone’s life. This is why it is much more rewarding and soul-shaping to our faith journeys if we get messy. Serve at a soup kitchen or donate food or clothing to homeless people in your community. Look for ways to bless others who need it the most.
  • LISTEN for God’s voice. I know this sounds pretty common sense since we are in the middle of Advent, but we need to be reminded of why we celebrate the Season. In a world that is so quick to record and capture everything with social media, do we ever let God capture us and speak to us? Do we ever shut our mouths and just be still in His presence? Don’t get caught up in the mess that we have turned the Season into; be who you are in Christ.

Copyright 2020 Jason Weirich
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