Sherry Antonetti introduces a free virtual conference designed to encourage Catholics to see the soul behind the screen.
We often think of the past as better than the present, and 2020 certainly could make the argument that this is so. However, as Catholics, we are called to be part of what renews the face of the Earth, by wiping away the grime, straining away the bitterness, and removing that which pollutes the air of our conversations. We’re called to engage always in “A Good Discourse,” so that by our words, both online and in real life, both spoken as professionals and when we’re just being ourselves, we do not obstruct the eyes, ears, and heart of any others from seeing, hearing, and knowing Christ through our actions.
This conference began as the result of a conversation over Facebook between two bloggers about the acrimony in online discussions witnessed by Catholics on Catholics. It nagged at the heart, and four women meeting on Zoom on Saturday began imagining what could be done to help foster a better community within the Catholic world. The result was “A Good Discourse.”
“A Good Discourse” is a free virtual conference on January 22, 23 and 24th for Catholic bloggers/social media/ writers/media ministers and ministries, who want to spread the Gospel by our words. However, when we get caught up in the world of our ideas, it can be difficult to see the souls behind the screens. Proving a point or winning an intellectual battle can result in lost friendships. We wind up adding to the grime and the acid and the smoke rather than the grace.
The remedy is a community of Catholic writers who are committed to Christ in all our words, published or not. This community inspires a deeper faith, rooted and grounded in truth and charity. A Good Discourse seeks to build up Catholic writers of all kinds and bring them together to inspire dialogue, creativity, and comradery. The conference is designed to form this community and fuel the dialogue.
Is this conference for you?
- You are passionate about the Catholic faith.
- You are actively engaged in conversation with others.
- You are distressed by the anger and division that has grown among sincere, faithful Catholics and undermines our ability to work together to share the Gospel.
- You would like to be part of the solution.
On Friday evening, we’ll discuss Universal Witness and Fraternal Correction, how to give and more importantly, how to take. There are open forums bracketing the beginning and end of each day’s discussions.
Saturday morning, we’ll have a presentation on Gossip/Slander and Calumny, a panel discussing Strategies for Talking about Hard Stuff and a discussion about the Virtue of Humility.
Finally, Sunday afternoon, a talk on the gift and use of humor and its purpose and the seventh talk, the commissioning where we talk about how to continue the conversation and take it out into the world.
In 2021, help create a community, a fellowship that will strengthen all of us in our public ministries and personal faith, come and be part of “A Good Discourse.”
Here’s the website: A GOOD DISCOURSE.
Here’s the registration form.
We hope to see you there!
Copyright 2021 Sherry Antonetti
Image: Canva Pro
About the Author

Sherry Antonetti
Sherry Antonetti is a freelance writer, high school teacher and a blogger at Patheos. She and her husband live in Maryland with nine of their ten children and a puppy named Pumpkin.