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Laura Range reviews a book packed full of comforting, helpful, and encouraging advice for walking the post-birth season with grace. 

I still remember calling my older sister on the way to the hospital, in labor with my first child, chiding her on the phone as the contractions rolled in: "Why didn't you tell me it was so painful?" A few days later, I came home with laceration stitches, an inflatable pillow to sit on, the most beautiful newborn daughter, and a hefty dose of incredulity that I was being entrusted with the care of her. 

I smile now at the memories. No matter how much you read, listen to advice, and attempt to prepare yourself, nothing can fully prepare you for the life-changing experiences of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Yet women who have walked the path before you can provide invaluable encouragement as you navigate your unique experience of new motherhood.

Catholic Mom contributing writer Allison Auth is one such woman, having written the book Baby and Beyond: Overcoming Those Post-Childbirth Woes to encourage both new and seasoned mothers in the tumultuous period of postpartum. Coming alongside you like a caring friend, she writes the book with authenticity, sharing the nitty-gritty and the messy while also coaching and cheering you on with hope that you were called to this vocation and the Lord will equip you.


Baby and Beyond


Beginning with her own stories of her children's births and her seasons of postpartum, Allison shares many practical tips for your physical and mental health and recovery. This does not mean overwhelming and intimidating to-dos in order to write a "perfect" birth plan or doing supermom workouts by six weeks postpartum, but rather real-life wisdom about taking care of your body during a challenging time and appreciating all it has done in growing and birthing your child. She covers healthy eating, important vitamins and minerals, hormones such as progesterone, and being on the lookout for postpartum anxiety and depression.

The second half of the book dives deeper into mental health, marriage and natural family planning, the need for support and community, and your spiritual life. This book is packed with gentle yet powerful advice. The spiritual life chapter was especially beautiful with its descriptions on how motherhood shapes us in the hard moments and there were excellent, concrete ideas for prayer.  

While there were a few things I differed in opinion on (I wouldn't recommend the PBS channel because of some of its anti-Catholic values) and I would have liked to have seen more on discernment of family size and being open to more children even when the postpartum time is difficult, overall I loved Allison's open heart and balanced perspective on moving through the postpartum time with grace, peace, and joy while also having realistic expectations instead of seeking perfection. This book would make a great gift, not only for a first-time mom at a baby shower, but also for a mom with multiple children and a newborn, perhaps with a packet of tea (or a meal and coffee!) and a handwritten note of encouragement. 

Ask for Baby and Beyond at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Sophia Institute Press.


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Copyright 2024 Laura Range
Images: Canva