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Radio, Jesus, and Adoration: a routine Lilia Grundy has recently devised to choose a beautiful life over an easy one each day.

The Message from the Radio 

As I dropped off my daughters to school and yelled out my “I love yous,” I turned up the volume in my car and caught a segment of a Catholic radio show. 

The priest on-air was speaking about dealing with suffering and sorrows, and one of his statements jumped out of the speakers and spoke to me: 

“Seek a beautiful life, rather than an easy life.”  


Such a simple yet powerful line—it stopped me in my mental tracks. I began to take a quick inventory: when was the last time I chose easy over beautiful? I resolved to keep this question top of mind for the rest of the day. As quickly as I made the pact, I lost it. 

Hours later as I was working away, I remembered it was nearly time for daily Mass. I began to run through my to-dos and realized there was so much to conquer and hence, too inconvenient to leave the house. I then blurted,  

“Staying home would be much easier!”  

I startled myself. I couldn’t believe I had just said those words out loud as I recalled the message that I had heard earlier just that morning.  

It certainly felt like the Holy Spirit was moving me to make a decision—not the convenient one. I ended up attending the most beautiful Mass that day and, filled with gratitude, thanked God for the opportunity to receive Him in the Eucharist that day. 




What’s the Focal Point? 

Coincidentally, following my first deliberate “beautiful over easy” decision, my sister texted me a striking photo: a picture of Jesus in the midst of ocean waves crashing against Him. Standing in the middle, his hands are outstretched with the words written across, “Focus on me, not the storm.” 

This image would serve as my perfect reminder that life will continue to be hard, but Jesus is with me. A reminder that there is no such thing as an easy life. That there will be difficult choices to make. But if I remain focused on Jesus, I can tackle my daily crosses. 

I attempted to devise a routine that would help me remain dedicated to choosing beautiful over easy: 

  • Consistently asking and reminding myself my life goal
  • Keeping Jesus as my focal point
  • Finding and making beautiful over easy choices each day 




My Weekly Reset 

I have found that the best way to keep Jesus as my focal point is by visiting him.  
Mass and adoration are sacred and precious spaces to reset my week and remember my life’s purpose.  

I have become more cognizant of the simple choices: Do I attend daily mass when my day is so busy? Do I extend my night chats with my daughters when I’m so exhausted? Do I stay a little longer speaking with a student at work even if I’m running behind? Do I listen to that Catholic podcast when all I feel like is zoning out to loud music?  


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It certainly felt like the Holy Spirit was moving me to make a decision—not the convenient one.


No matter the question, I am reflecting more on the beautiful decision over just the easy or convenient one. I am grateful for that message I received from the radio. 

Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me (Matthew 16:24)  



Copyright 2023 Lilia Grundy
Images: Drawing of Jesus copyright 2023 Anava and Joela Grundy, all rights reserved, used with permission; all others copyright 2023 Lilia Grundy, all rights reserved.