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When Lilia Grundy is asked to participate in liturgical events outside her comfort zone, she takes pointers from Jesus to remember “It’s time” … and “If not now, when?”

In the Season 2 finale of The Chosen, just as Jesus is about to recite his famous speech, “The Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus is with His mother and Simon Peter approaches, “Master, it’s time” he advises.

And Mary smiles back. “It’s time” she says to Jesus. 

I was touched by the tender exchange between mother and son. Jesus presses His forehead to hers and says, “If not now” and Mary adds, “when?”  

This powerful scene is etched into my heart, particularly when I am about to try or do something for the first time. It’s a funny thing: when you say you are willing to surrender to God’s will, new asks come your way and you can’t help but say, “Thy will be done!”   




A Breath for Bravery 

Earlier this year, I was asked to participate in a special Good Friday reflection during Lent. I was honored to be considered—but yet again, this became another occasion for anxiousness. The doubts started to dart through my mind. What if what I say is not biblically correct? What if what I share does not resonate? I continued on with questions and then I stopped to breathe. It will be okay, I reminded myself, and I proceeded to pray on the message I was to give. 

When the day arrived, I was a bit nervous passing the altar for my turn—but I whispered to myself, “It’s time,” and I genuflected as I approached the ambo. A bit teary as I read my reflection, I was grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to share my testimony. And an added bonus gift was the feedback I had received that my story touched others. 


Pray, Set, Grow! 

What’s that saying that refers to humans growing the most when we get out of our comfort zones? Well, I can attest to its truth. Looking back, every scary decision I have made—the ones that really freaked me out—ended up being the best outcomes for my life. Moving to Seattle on my own led me to reunite with my now husband (my high school sweetheart). The leap of faith of taking on a new job when I was comfortable in the role I already had landed me the position of my dreams. 

Even though I get anxious about the pieces of my life, Mother Angelica reminds us, “God sees the whole chapter, you just see the beginning.” 




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When you say you are willing to surrender to God’s will, new asks come your way and you can’t help but say, “Thy will be done!” #CatholicMom


Another invitation was put in front of me recently. In preparation for Catholic women’s gathering, I was asked to present the kickoff reflection for the group (or as our friends call it, a “Mini Lectio Divina”). Again, nervous about how I would tackle this assignment of interpreting scripture, I prayed, prepared and reflected: “It’s time.” 

As I finished my reflection, I was grateful for the continuous opportunities that God has given me to grow outside my comfort bubble. It’s not easy. It’s not relaxing, but it’s growth. And I would rather show the Lord my God my appreciation here on earth while I can. Because after all, “If not now, when?” 


I raise my eyes toward the mountains. From whence shall come my help? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; or your guardian to sleep. Behold, the guardian of Israel never slumbers nor sleeps. The LORD is your guardian; the LORD is your shade at your right hand. By day the sun will not strike you, nor the moon by night. The LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your soul. The LORD will guard your coming and going both now and forever. (Psalms 121:1-8) 




Copyright 2023 Lilia Grundy
Images: copyright 2023 Lilia Grundy, all rights reserved.