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After hearing about how a clever college student aced his exam, Claire McGarry realizes we have clever help within us for any problem we face.   

I heard a fascinating story on the radio the other day. A college professor was giving an exam on logic. He told his students they could bring one 8 ½ x 11 paper with them. They were allowed to put anything on it they thought would help during the test.  

One clever student arrived with his 8 ½ x 11 paper perfectly blank. He placed it on the floor and then had the graduate student he brought with him stand on it. That graduate student helped the undergraduate get an A!       

God gave us all the gift of the Holy Spirit, our own graduate student within. Yet, how often do we recognize He’s standing on a proverbial 8 ½ x 11 paper right beside us all the time—ready and willing to give us what we need?  


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How silly is it for us to have a Wonderful Counselor within and never seek His aid! #CatholicMom


Through wisdom, He can help us solve any problem we face. Through grace, He can give us the right words to use in any situation. Through mercy, He can give us the patience and fortitude to journey through any difficult situation we’re in. 

It would have been silly for that undergraduate student to bring the graduate student with him and never lean on him for help. How silly is it for us to have a Wonderful Counselor within and never seek His aid! 



Copyright 2023 Claire McGarry
Images: Canva