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Kimberly Novak reviews Everything’s Coming Up Rosie: 10 Things My Feisty Italian-American Mom Taught Me About Living a Godly Life by Teresa Tomeo. 

Catholic wisdom, in my world, usually comes from sources such as my friends who are religious women, my parish pastor, and my spiritual director. Receiving insight and spiritual guidance from a feisty Italian woman named Rosie never crossed my mind. That is, until I read, Everything’s Coming Up Rosie by Teresa Tomeo.   


Everythings coming up Rosie


Everything’s Coming Up Rosie: 10 Things My Feisty Italian-American Mom Taught Me About Living a Godly Life goes back in time through specific instances and conversations between Teresa and her mom Rosie and other important Catholic and spiritual influences in Teresa’s life. As an old soul, I loved how Teresa painted a picture of the old days—a time when our ever-changing world seemed uncomplicated.    

Looking at life through Rosie’s eyes gives the reader a sense of a godly woman living through troubled times with grace, love, and humor. Teresa shares moments of Rosie’s life that were less than desirable. Rosie handled significant times in her life that would rock your world with grace. As difficult as it was, Rosie lived her life looking at the glass half-full and taught her children how God’s grace shines even in the darkest moments.  

Awfa it up to God, and put it at the foot of the Crawse.


My paternal grandparents spoke heavy Italian, but I was too young to have those memories echo in my ears. The way Rosie’s accent is captured throughout her godly wisdom gave me a glimpse into what their conversations may have sounded like, making me smile often. Teresa’s description of her childhood and specific instances with her siblings was another vehicle in taking me down memory lane. There are many laugh-out-loud moments for the reader, whether Italian or not.  

The way in which Teresa elaborates on Rosie’s Top 10 List by assigning it a lesson makes the book not only an enjoyable read but also an excellent resource in Scripture and spirituality. Following Teresa’s subject in each chapter are prayers, Scripture references, and reflection prompts. I found this similar to a Bible study format and enjoyed that portion of the book immensely.  

If God is your co-pilot, change seats.


Rosie’s Top 10 List of Godly Wisdom provides the reader with insight into how we are to live in a way pleasing to God and that God’s Word is our roadmap. Throughout Teresa’s recollections, we learn how Rosie kept smiling in every struggle and gave God control. This a life lesson most of us strive to achieve every day.   

It was her way of reminding us who is in charge, and it was not us. 


Lessons in humility, ministry through misery, and appreciating one’s surroundings are only a few of the poignant principles wonderfully captured by Teresa in this memoir. I especially enjoyed the Catholic acumen written in Rosie’s voice, the wisdom of the saints, and the honesty Teresa shares with the reader.   

Everything’s Coming Up Rosie is a beautiful addition to your spiritual reading library and an exciting way to see how God uses every kind of instance to reach us, whether it be something we struggled with as a child or currently. Teresa uses Rosie’s Italian/American accent and wisdom as a fun-loving way to bring scriptural wisdom and good old-fashioned living insight into life: ”It’s not all peaches and cream, you know.”  

Ask for Everything's Coming Up Rosie at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Sophia Institute Press.




Copyright 2023 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva