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Nikki Lamberg ponders whether it's the best move to say—or post—those spicy takes and snappy comebacks.

Do you ever look back on a situation and wish you or someone else would have handled it differently? Or do you find yourself wanting to comment on someone’s social media post asking them how they could possibly have that viewpoint when it’s so different from what you feel is the truth? It’s hard to find that wisdom and understanding to know when to say something, and when it might be best to not cross that imaginary line.

I find myself reading posts and wanting to defend my viewpoints when they are based on my religious beliefs. If others can share their radical viewpoints, why can’t I share mine that are based on my faith? Why is OK for some to share their opinions without ridicule but not for others? When it comes to my religious beliefs, or Christianity in general, although I can accept what others may think, it’s hard for me not to understand their rationale, and in turn, not ask the question “why". Why do they think that way? How did they get to that conclusion?

I see friends, family even, who share their strong opinions and I want to fire back with facts instead of opinions. However, what problem does this solve, and would one comment from me make them change their mind? Likely not. Unfortunately, there is a greater chance that it would create a rift in our relationship than it would to solve anything.

It’s the same concept with real-life scenarios. There are many times when I wish I could change how someone feels by sharing my side of the story. I think sometimes the problem isn’t knowing what to say, but trying to understand when and if something should be said? So, how do you know when that is? How do you know where the gray line starts and stops?




The thing is, taking the moral high ground and holding steadfast to your faith-filled beliefs is always the right decision, no matter how hard it may be. Unfortunately, the high road is often not the easiest. It’s not easy to hold your side of the story in when others are flippantly sharing theirs. It’s not easy to let go of control of what others may say or think without your being able to give your perspective. However, sometimes it’s just not the right thing to do, and other times it’s just not worth it. We must remember that it is not up to us to judge. We need to learn to let go and let God take care of it. Although good to share your beliefs, it is not a need to justify or comment on every scenario or social media post, as infuriating you may find it.

Recently I have been thinking about the Serenity Prayer when talking to God about my struggles with this topic. If you aren’t familiar with this prayer, it goes like this:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; taking this world as it is and not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen. (Reinhold Niebuhr)


The definition of serenity is to be in a state of calm and peace. So, we must remember that it is not up to us to understand everything—God already knows what’s happening before it even happens. It’s not up to us to “fix” everything—God is already working on it if only we would just ask. And it’s not up to us change the way someone thinks or feels—God does that through our consistent prayers if that is His will.


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Taking the moral high ground and holding steadfast to your faith-filled beliefs is always the right decision, no matter how hard it may be. #catholicmom

The next time you feel like you want to fire back your feelings—whether on social media or real life—it may be worth pausing and praying to ask God what He wants us to do. Some battles are ours to fight and some are not. And if they are not, I pray that God will grant us the serenity to accept what we cannot change, taking one day at a time.



Copyright 2022 Nikki Lamberg
Images: Canva