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Betty Vertin ponders the ways God made her to specifically love, serve, and raise her children who have special needs.

I was made for all my joy, all my sorrow, and everything in between. 

I never knew I wanted to be a mother. When I was pregnant with my first, I was scared and convinced I would fail. The day she was born, and nearly every day since, I've thanked God for giving me the gift of motherhood.   

Being a mother is the single thing that makes me feel God's overwhelming love for me. The way I am perfectly paired with my kids makes me feel known, encouraged, inspired, chosen, and loved. 

I wasn't made to be just anyone's mom. I was made to be their mom and God made me specifically for it. 



I am 6 feet tall with an athletic build. I played sports all my life, thinking and being encouraged to do so because I looked like an athlete. Much to my dismay, and probably that of many a coach, I was a mediocre athlete. But I have always been physically strong. In college, where I was on the track team, I could bench my weight and squat twice my weight. However, if you think that made the shot put go any further, you are as mistaken as I was. 

But now, it makes perfect sense. I have three sons with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. They grow weaker and I am their legs when they can't walk. I am the lift that gets them in and out of their chairs and beds. I am strong enough to do all of that. God made me strong for the children he would someday give me. 

I am tall and long. When a double-door entrance is not accessible, I can hold both doors open simultaneously so my boys can get through. I can push a chair in one arm and hold a baby in the other.  

My hands are as big as I've ever seen on a woman, but it allows me to hold more than one hand at a time and grasp three hands in one.  




God made me resilient. 

I grew up in and out of foster homes. I weathered many storms. I learned how to strive for better despite challenges. The experience of foster care prepared me for the pain and grief of having children with a fatal disease. When they were diagnosed, I remembered how to make a bad situation better and could show my children how.   


Spiritually, He had prepared me, too.

I remember several experiences from early life when I strongly felt God's presence protecting me. Even during periods of my life when I wanted to be left alone, I remembered that feeling. And now, I look for it.  I see it in my day-to-day life, and it strengthens me. God gave me faith, for the mountains I will move for the children He gave me. 


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I was made for all my joy, all my sorrow, and everything in between. #CatholicMom


He made me for it in other ways as well. I have a master's degree that goes virtually unused, as I am a stay-at-home mom and would happily like to stay that way. But something I learned in the program has served me well.   

During that time, I was so quiet. The foster kid in me hated to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. I was uncomfortable in front of people. But I had a professor who would not allow us to sit and answer a question; I had to get up in front of the class for many projects. I became very comfortable in front of people.  

I'm an advocate for my children now. I talk about Duchenne everywhere I go in front of large groups and students. I have even had an audience with my United States representative and senators. I've testified in front of the FDA.  God made me an advocate for the children he gave me. 

I learned that when something goes wrong not to ask, "Why me?"  

Instead, I try to ask, "How have You prepared me for this?"  

And I've learned that sometimes He has prepared me by blessing me with a skill or a strength He knew I would need. Sometimes, it is a person put in my life for that exact moment. Sometimes, there is no answer, and I must simply trust that God made me for this. 



Copyright 2023 Betty Vertin
Images: Canva