Tami Urcia contemplates the way God loves all of us as though each one were His favorite child.
I recently celebrated one decade as a mom. It seems surreal that my son is now into double digits, that his feet are almost the same size as mine and he is only a few inches shorter than me. It also seems surreal that my hair is turning gray, my energy is lessening and I find my verbal filters slacking.
Aging, whether it be in childhood or midlife, is one of those things that is simply inevitable. The reality of time and eternity truly boggles my mind. The second that I typed this word has already passed and is gone, never to return. And yet God resides in a place where there is no limit to time or space.
I remember thinking as a child (and if I’m honest, maybe even a little bit today) that I didn’t want to live forever, even if it was in heaven. Our finite minds cannot comprehend the infinite. But as I inch closer to the reality of the end of earthly life, I find myself reflecting on it more and more.
In the Book of Genesis we read: “Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons.” (Gen 37:3) When I read this, two thoughts come to mind. First, how can a father choose favorites among his children and furthermore, let that be known among his other children? And second, that this is how God sees each and every one of us. Although our minds cannot comprehend it, He loves all of us the best! Each and every one of us are His favorite and especially beloved child. It blows my mind!
In the same way, the Gospel of Matthew tells us about a landowner with wicked tenants who beat and killed his servants. We read: “Finally, he sent his son to them, thinking, 'They will respect my son.'” (Matt 21:37) The landowner obviously cared more about his own son than his servants and thought that surely the tenants would too. Unfortunately, this was not the case, but on the contrary, it is surely the case with our heavenly Father. He respects us and loves us so much that He died for us, just as the landowner’s son did.
As a mother, I love my children with a passion and would definitely lay down my life for them if it came down to that, yet God loves us in an even deeper way, in a way that we cannot even fathom. Let us bask in that infinite love today, allowing it to penetrate our minds and hearts as we continue our journey toward our heavenly goal.
Copyright 2023 Tami Urcia
Images: Canva
About the Author

Tami Urcia
Tami is a Western Michigander who spent early adulthood as a missionary in Mexico, studying theology and philosophy, then worked and traveled extensively before finishing her bachelor’s degree in Western Kentucky. She loves finding fun ways to keep her five kiddos occupied and quiet conversation with the hubby. Tami works at Diocesan and does Spanish/English translations and guest blogs.