A surprise from God led Tami Urcia to ponder the beauty in life, even amid the challenges of parenting.
A few weeks ago my husband and I received surprising news. Not just that “oh, ok, that’s cool” kind of news, but more like the knock your socks off, I’m speechless kind of news. You see, we are the parents of four very active and rather mischievous boys. When faced with an unexpected pregnancy in our early 40’s, we just assumed that we would have another one to complete our “soccer team.” But when at the end of that 21-week ultrasound we heard the words “It’s a GIRL!” our minds could barely wrap around it. “Wait … WHAT?!”
You see, my husband had me convinced that it was a waste of time to come up with girl names because it was going to be another boy, and that was that. And I was convinced that no X chromosomes existed in his body at all. Besides, we had only boys’ toys, clothes, shoes, bikes, etc. We have nothing pink in our house at all … NOTHING!
On the way home, my husband was literally speechless. When he finally spoke his words were: “What if she chooses the wrong person to marry?” I was like, “Are you serious?? She’s not even born yet and you’re already worrying about that?!” And then, although I was not even partially convinced myself, the Holy Spirit gave me these words: “Let’s just take it one day at a time. God wanted us to be her parents, so He will give us the grace to raise her.”
As soon as I heard the words come out of my mouth, I realized how much I needed that reminder. It was God’s will that we conceive this little one. It was His design that we be her parents. It was part of His plan that she have four older brothers to watch over her. It was a piece of His joy that He sent down to us in the form of this tiny princess.
As soon as the shock subsided and we warmed up to the idea, we were over the moon. Each of my boys came up with their own nicknames for her. One chose “Little GG,” the other “Little G,” and the other “Googoo Gaga.” I watch them each morning as they rub and kiss my belly to say good morning and each evening as they do the same to wish her goodnight. At every Mass they give her a kiss during the sign of peace.
It’s in moments like these that I realize how much beauty there is in life, despite the craziness of our day-to-day lives. It doesn’t matter that I had four soccer practices, a First Communion retreat, and a Pastoral Council meeting last week that had me running around like a chicken with my head cut off. What matters is that my kids are healthy, growing in their faith, and learning how to love.
So we invite you to share in our joy as we welcome another little one into our family this summer and learn to love the color pink.
Copyright 2021 Tami Urcia
Images: Canva Pro
About the Author

Tami Urcia
Tami is a Western Michigander who spent early adulthood as a missionary in Mexico, studying theology and philosophy, then worked and traveled extensively before finishing her bachelor’s degree in Western Kentucky. She loves finding fun ways to keep her five kiddos occupied and quiet conversation with the hubby. Tami works at Diocesan and does Spanish/English translations and guest blogs.