Michelle Nott relates her daughter’s homework assignment to her own outlook on life.
My daughter gets frustrated and says, “I don’t know!” after I ask her what she wants to draw on her “all about me” puzzle that she is supposed to bring back to school the next day. I give her several suggestions of things that she likes that she can draw. But then it becomes a problem because she doesn’t know how to draw them.
We find a solution that makes her happy and she finishes the drawing part of the assignment. Next, we must face the biggest obstacle: cutting out the puzzle pieces. However, I already anticipate some frustration when I tell her that now she needs to cut out the puzzle pieces.
“I can’t do it!” she cries.
“Yes, you can. Just follow the black line,” I reply.
She clenches her teeth and quickly cuts out one piece of the puzzle. It’s not perfect, but she tried her best and mostly followed the line of the puzzle piece. She gets upset a few more times but finally finishes cutting the last piece of the puzzle and sticks it into the ziplock bag to bring back to school the next day.
What should have been a fun assignment was more frustrating than I anticipated — and if I am honest, she is not the only one who was relieved when it was done. But I am also proud of her for finishing it and her determination to keep cutting out the pieces even though it was hard.
Life is a puzzle
As I look back on this assignment that took place last week, I see some parallels between my daughter's frustration with a fun assignment and my own frustration at events in my life that should be fun.
At times we get so focused on creating the puzzle that we lose sight of the bigger picture the puzzle shows once it’s put all together.
Thinking in terms of a puzzle describes us perfectly. There are many different parts that combine together to make us who we are. In addition to that, we face challenges every day that we need to overcome. Each obstacle plays an important part in completing a puzzle about us and who we are. The challenges don’t define us, but rather, help us become a more detailed and complete version of ourselves.
God is our guide
I also can relate to her frustration with needing to cut out all the puzzle pieces. The physical act of cutting the paper represents all the challenges we face in life.
“I can’t do it!” we cry.
“Yes, you can. Just follow the path I made for you,” God replies.
The path might end up a little jagged where we didn’t manage to stay on the black lines all the way. We make some mistakes and get upset a few times, but ultimately try our best and overcome the obstacles in our path.
Life can feel like an overwhelming task at times with lots of twists and turns that make it challenging. But it’s also filled with a lot of opportunities for fun, laughter, and love. If we are too focused on the challenges that lie ahead, we will miss the good parts of life.
Motherhood is a puzzle
Motherhood is complex, just like a puzzle. There are a lot of pieces that go into it, and a lot of roles that we take on as a result. Recently, I have been so caught up in all of the chaos and various pieces of the puzzle that make up my life that I have forgotten to slow down and find the beauty in each piece.
When we are in the trenches of motherhood, it can be easy to only focus on the challenges ahead. Trust me when I say I am an expert worrier, and my daughter from the story above takes after me and my ability to get easily frustrated.
However, even during these times of overwhelm, God is with us, guiding us on our way.
What makes up the puzzle pieces of your life?
What are the pictures you would draw for a puzzle all about you?
Is one a picture of your family? God is present in each family member.
Your hobbies? God blessed you with those talents to share with others.
Your favorite color, flower, or animal? All are God’s creation!
Each outline of the puzzle piece surrounds a part of you that God made in His image. The challenges that we face in life are part of what make us ourselves. If we take the opportunity to grow from them, they can lead us closer to God.
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Copyright 2024 Michelle Nott
Images: Canva
About the Author

Michelle Nott
Michelle Nott is a homemaker and mom to one saint, and five kids ages 6 and under. When she manages to find free time, she enjoys reading books, baking, running, and writing for her blog, RaisingSmallThingsWithGreatLove.com. She is still learning how to navigate motherhood and survives on coffee and constant prayers for patience.