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A lesson learned on a family nature hike reminded Tina Mayeux to pause and remain prayerful and recollected this Advent season.  

It was akin to a breathtaking postcard like the ones we sent via snail mail from vacation spots years ago. Or, for a more modern comparison, like the panoramic image on my computer monitor’s background screen.  Our family’s hike down the craggy trails and around the glistening Lake Chewacla had been worth the effort. Our senses were rewarded with the glorious scene as we eased our way down the final challenging rock formations. The waterfall was as breathtaking as expected, and we hastily scrambled to retrieve our phones and snap photos of one another against the natural backdrop.  


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The pictures taken, we turned to start back up the hill, when my sister suddenly exclaimed, “Wait!” Stopping us in our tracks and startling us out of our picture-taking frenzy, she reminded us that we were about to miss out on the whole point of the hike by failing to pause, breathe in, and simply experience the exquisite beauty before us. In our rush to capture the moment for future enjoyment, we were all ignoring the sights, sounds, and smells of the waterfall and surrounding views of the park site.  




Advent can be like that. In our mad rush of purchasing, decorating, wrapping, and baking, we might find that the weeks are passing us by without proper reflection and spiritual preparation for the approaching feast and festivity of Christmas. When our children are young, it can be especially challenging to find time and space to remain recollected and prayerful during this busy time. As a mom of older children, I remember these hectic times with great joy, but, looking back, I see how it is vital to be intentional about creating opportunities for prayer and reflection.

Here are a few ideas about how to slow down, become recollected, and truly savor the season: 


Surround your family with holy reminders 

Filling your home with holy reminders of the season is a wonderful way to create an atmosphere of prayer and imbue your home with the spirit of the season. Along with the Christmas tree, adding special touches such as candles, a prominently displayed Nativity set, an Advent wreath, and a Jesse tree can help you and your family remain recollected and prayerful during advent. Not only do these items focus the family’s attention on the meaning of the season, but they can also facilitate devotional practices, as in the Advent wreath and Jesse Tree.  


Make an Advent prayer commitment 

Aware of my tendency to let the Advent season slip by without making a special commitment, I resolved this year to set my alarm an hour earlier than usual to spend time in prayer and meditation before the rest of the family wakes up. The darkness and stillness of this early morning hour reminds me of the Nativity scene and the solitude and peace the Holy Family must have experienced at dawn after Jesus’ birth. Other ideas for prayer commitments include choosing an Advent reflection book or signing up for a weekly Holy Hour of Adoration.  


Go to Confession 

Many parishes offer Advent penance services in preparation for Christmas. Advent being the beginning of the new liturgical year, it is an ideal time to make a good examination of conscience and confess our sins in anticipation of the upcoming Feast of Christmas. It is a great opportunity to encourage your family members and older children to go as well.  


Participate In an Advent retreat 

Along with penance services, parishes often offer Advent missions or retreats during this season. In this digital age, there can also be found many online talks centered around the Advent season, for those who find it difficult to attend retreats in person. These retreats can help feed our souls and keep our minds focused on the Incarnation and help us prepare our hearts for the coming of the Savior.  


Reach out to others 

Advent is a wonderful time to help others. Visiting the sick, elderly, and lonely are excellent ways to experience the joy of giving. Donations to food banks, shelters, or charitable organizations are also common to help make Christmas special for those less fortunate.  




Remembering my sister’s wise admonition to pause and truly experience our surroundings on our nature hike recently, I am resolved to do the same this Advent. I have been trying to be intentional about my efforts to slow down and savor the beauty of the season. Instead of getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations, I am trying to create special time each day for reflection. What are some ways that you remain recollected during the busy Advent season?  


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Copyright 2024 Tina Mayeux
Images: (top, bottom) Canva; others copyright 2024 Tina Mayeux, all rights reserved

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