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Pam Spano shares how listening to the Bible in a Year podcast has been a fruitful spiritual practice.

Advent 2021 is now a pleasant memory. The cold weather, dark skies of January has dragged me into the reality of every day life and the prospect of making new year resolutions.

For the most part, I don’t make resolutions, but last year I made a promise to myself to get out more and do things: museums, light shows, and special events. I’m going to continue that promise and add one more commitment.

On January 1, I started listening to The Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz. I had heard about it all through 2021 and as the end of the year approached, I made the promise to myself to do it.

We already had The Great Adventure Bible (I gave it to my husband as a gift) and I ordered the digital version of the study guide. The journal is on its way.

I’m accessing the sessions through the Hallow app and I get daily email reminders from Ascension Press to listen to the podcast.

I’ve never read the Bible in its entirety and I’ve never attended a Bible study, either in a group or by myself. Since I’ve been a convert for 40 years, I felt the time was right.


woman reading a Bible


Most days I participate in the podcast during the day. Occasionally, I will listen before bed. I have noticed that the daytime participation makes me feel different during the day. I feel uplifted and sometimes surprised at what I learned. Having the intricacies of the language explained to me within the context of the times has definitely given me new perspectives on what I just read.

As a side note, I’ve realized that I’ve taken the Word of God for granted. The daily and Sunday readings sometimes don’t sink in. Since I’ve started Bible in a Year I have a new appreciation for God’s Word.

If you’re thinking it’s too late to start, don’t despair! You can easily do two sessions a day and catch up. Fr. Mike’s narrative is calming and his enthusiasm for the journey is contagious and draws you in.

Bible in a Year is well worth the 20 minutes or so of your time. Join the journey!


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Copyright 2022 Pam Spano
Images: Canva Pro; prayer image copyright 2022 Pam Spano, all rights reserved.

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