Kimberly Novak shares what she learned when she observed three young children going to their father with determination and faith-filled hearts.
I had a treat while shopping at our local grocery recently: an experience that surprisingly led me into contemplation on my relationship with our Father in Heaven. I have had experiences in stores where a total stranger would engage me in conversation. Sometimes, these are faith-based, while others are casual conversations to pass the time waiting in line. My experience this time was in observing three little boys who, at first, I thought were up to no good.
I walked about the store, focused on the list of items in my head, and determined to finish my mission in record time. As I approached a new aisle, I began hearing the giggles of little children. Having raised three boys, I have a special place in my heart for the moms shopping with little ones. I turned the corner and chuckled as I gazed upon three boys nestled upon stacks of paper products. If I had to guess, I would say they ranged in age from three to five. Seeing them in this state, I quickly judged and expected mischief. However, what I witnessed was quite the opposite.
The boys appeared to be having a meeting of their young minds. Some might say they were in cahoots, but I can attest that they were discussing a strategic plan. I was captivated by the determination I heard in their little voices and continued my shopping with one ear tuned in. A few moments later, I heard them putting their plan into action from the next aisle. The eldest began with a product in hand, “Daddy, do you think we can try this today?” He was met with a quick no. This did not seem to detour the boys, though, as they quickly gathered to work on an alternate plan.
I was enjoying myself to the point that I felt like I was at home watching an adorable television show or movie. In my eyes, the children were cute, smart, and very well-behaved. Everything I witnessed brought a new joy to my shopping experience. Before I knew it, the hard work of those young children was met with the ultimate payoff in frozen foods.
This time, the youngest was up to bat. Clenching the product in his little hands, I watched as he quietly approached his father. “Daddy, do you think it would be okay to have this today?” I was on pins and needles, waiting for the response, and at the ready to purchase it myself if it did not go well. The boys' father met the child's gaze and gave a beautiful yes! I wanted to applaud and had to remind myself that this was not my moment. I was simply a fly on the wall. I would have been embarrassed if the family knew I had enjoyed their shopping excursion.
What happened next was the icing on the proverbial cake. All three boys huddled around the product while placing it into the cart when one said, “This is going to be the best day ever!”
I think everyone would agree, that if this had in fact, been a movie, we would all be wiping the tears away as the little boy shared his glee. I will never forget the smiles on those children's faces and that of their father, who knew he had just made their day. Again, I had to restrain myself and walk away, but I did so with such love and joy in my heart. Later that evening, as I thought about what I witnessed, I delighted in the determination and faith exhibited by those young ones. They never gave up, nor did they argue or complain. Adversity brought them to consider alternatives.
So, how can we, as children of God, apply this same principle to our faith? I reflect back on times when God did not give me what I hoped or asked for. I consider how I behaved in those times. Did I consider alternatives, or did I pout and show anger to my Lord? Looking back, I’m sure I have had both reactions. God is understanding and knows that we will not be happy with everything He does or doesn’t do. It is in our reaction that we can cultivate our relationship and build our faith.
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Prayer can be a time when we huddle with Jesus and plan a strategy. #CatholicMom
I love looking at things through the eyes of a child and with unwavering faith in my God, who I know supplies all my needs. God is waiting for us and wants us to go to Him without fear of what we are asking for. Prayer can be a time when we huddle with Jesus and plan a strategy. If it helps, push a shopping cart around the market for a while. God gives us surprises in the most unexpected places.
Copyright 2023 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva
About the Author
Kimberly Novak
Kimberly Novak is a wife, mother, author, and spiritual director. Her passion for inspiring and motivating those on a spiritual journey has bloomed into various ministries. Kimberly’s mission is to enhance each journey by guiding others where the light of strength is…God’s love. Find out more about Kimberly’s life and work at < href=""> Additionally, Kimberly welcomes prayer requests at A Little God Time.