Sheri Wohlfert details seven simple ways to strengthen your family's prayer life.
The family is called to be the temple, or house of prayer: A simple prayer, full of effort and tenderness. A prayer that makes life so that life becomes prayer. (St. John Paul II)
The Father who created us out of enormous love is longing to hear our voice and make His voice heard in our hearts and homes. Family prayer is powerful, peaceful and transformative. It unites us, equips us, and protects us from the woes of the world. The habit of daily prayer is the most necessary gift we can give our children.
Jesus loves us so much, He meets us wherever we are on our journey, so don’t wait to join Him. Use these ideas and dive into prayer as a family wherever you are.
Big One First:
Mass is the primary prayer we share as Catholics and the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of the Christian live so attending Mass on Sundays together is the perfect start to a prayerful, grace filled week. Adding a weekday Mass is a fabulous next step.
Captive Audience:
Food brings the family together because we all have to eat. Start with a simple meal blessing and add an opportunity for everyone to offer a prayer intention that the whole family can pray for too. Ending the meal with prayer is a great habit. It is the perfect time to pray for protection using the Guardian Angel Prayer or Prayer to St. Michael.
Morning Start:
At breakfast or in the car or huddled in a circle by the front door before everyone rushes out, have each family member share what they need prayer for that day. It might be a test or a game or a meeting; as a family, invite God to bring His grace and the power of the Holy Spirit into the events of each person’s day. The same thing can be done between parents or with each child individually if the morning routine doesn’t allow a group gathering.
Big Question:
Connecting family members prayerfully can be as simple as getting into the daily practice of asking each other one big question: “How can I pray for you today?” Asking and answering this question helps families develop the habit of inviting Christ into all our worries, joys, celebrations and struggles. This habit helps us remember our need to turn to the Father with everything and it offers the assurance that we are being lifted up in prayer by the people who love us the most.
Source of Strength:
The Eucharist is the source of the Father’s love, strength, and grace poured out on us. Spending time in Eucharistic Adoration or even a quiet family visit for prayer before the Tabernacle is powerful. This practice is a beautiful way to pray together in times of family celebration or family struggle.
The little things:
Kids need to see their parents pray and pray together. Let your children help plan the places you can add family prayer to your day. Find ways to incorporate things like the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a decade of the Rosary, or age-appropriate Scripture reading into the daily routine. Give everyone a chance to be the prayer leader and make sure your home has visible places and signs of prayer such as holy water and prayerful images, objects, and pictures.
Meeting Spot:
The Lord will meet us right where we are. It’s not about doing a dozen new things; it’s about starting where you are and moving closer to Jesus. Take some time to pray about what family prayer looks like at your house and then ask the Holy Spirit to help you and your family take that next step toward Him.
Copyright 2022 Sheri Wohlfert
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries
About the Author
Sheri Wohlfert
Sheri is a Catholic wife, mom, speaker and teacher. She uses her great sense of humor and her deep faith to help others discover the joy of being a child of God. Her roots are in Kansas but her home is in Michigan. The mission of her ministry is to encourage others to look at the simple ways we can all find God doing amazing things smack dab in the middle of the laundry, ball games, farm chores and the hundred other things we manage to cram into a day. Sheri also writes at