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Kimberly Novak offers insight into praying against the opposition to faith we may experience from family members and other loved ones.  

My first goal as a Christian writer is to glorify God while inspiring the reader, all in the hopes that my words offer an emotional response to seeking God’s love. Since I cannot physically be with everyone reading my work, I take time to venture into the world of holiday craft fairs and book signings. As an author of Christian fiction for children, I have had many conversations with parents, grandparents, and teachers. Lately, there is a topic that has emerged at almost every event, and unfortunately, it rings true for many.  

When I approach someone interested in my work, I like to inquire about the person they are purchasing the book for and enter a wonderful faith-sharing moment.  Sadly, about half of these conversations of late have turned into the fearful revealing of loved ones who are afraid of making the God-themed purchase, mainly because their family member either forbids a Christian gift or they have been politely asked not to impart their faith upon those they love.  

The Bible reminds us that as Christians, we will encounter opposition, but when it happens within the family unit, it might be just enough to quiet our voice. On the other hand, it might also ignite our fire for our Heavenly Father and make us work much harder to share God’s joy with our loved ones.  




As a little girl, I dreamed of the perfect life and a white picket fence. I’m sure I was not the only one aspiring to everything rainbows and butterflies. Then, one day, we grow up, and life knocks that dream down a peg or two. That is because a perfect life only exists for the One who created us: an after-life we will one day be part of, and we want the same for our families and friends. 

So, in this not-so-perfect world, how can we, as Christians, continue to shine our lights when met with opposition? Do we purchase the religious gift anyway, hoping it will not be discarded, or go one better and enlist the help of our Father in Heaven? As someone making Christian gifts available, I’d love to tell you to purchase them anyway, but I think we can go one better by praying for prayer.   

There are countless ways to pray: words to say, formal prayers, and meditative styles for communicating our needs through prayer. When opposition arrives, I pray for a blessing, asking God to place the desire for worship within the hearts of His lost sheep. In asking God to instill the need for Him or the passion for a prayerful spirit, we pray for conversion into the depths of a person’s soul, the intimate place where God meets us and lives are changed. 


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In this not-so-perfect world, how can we, as Christians, continue to shine our lights when met with opposition? #CatholicMom


The best part of this type of action is that only the one praying and God know of the request to change the lives of those for whom we are praying.  Praying for prayer in the hearts of these individuals is a gift that cannot be returned, rejected, or ignored.  Let’s make it the gift that keeps giving by actively praying for our friends and families who experience opposition to their faith.   

As well as praying for God to touch the hearts of those we love, we are to ask God for clarity on how to meet opposition within our families. God has made us all unique individuals, which is true for our families. I can offer many suggestions, but only God knows the needs of our families individually. In alignment with my mission to honor God and inspire others, I pray our prayers will one day touch the lives of everyone we love, and they will pass God’s love down through generations. 


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Copyright 2023 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva