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Rosemary Bogdan discusses the peace to be found in the truth outlined in Conor Gallagher’s new book about trustful surrender.

You Have Only One Problem: Experience the Instant Reward of Trustful Surrender 

By Connor Gallagher
Publisher: TAN Books

If you’re like me you may have read this title and thought, “Only one problem? Are you serious?” If you’re a mom you can probably think of a dozen problems, some big and some small, but problems nonetheless. 

But Conor Gallagher is not writing from a position of ignorance as a parent. He has 16 children. Regardless of how many problems I have from an earthly perspective, Gallagher probably has many more.  


You Have Only One Problem


Trusting God 

As I lay in bed unable to sleep because of knee pain I have endlessly ruminated over my options going forward. Occasionally I have picked up this book only to read this message:

Your one problem is that you have not trustfully surrendered every single aspect of your life to Divine Providence.


That made me feel challenged but also somewhat comforted. I do not have to solve this problem. I can simply trust God. 

You Have Only One Problem: Experience the Instant Reward of Trustful Surrender is a small book with only 88 pages. At 6 inches by 8 ½ inches it will easily fit in your bag for Adoration. It’s a quick read but conveys a big and challenging message. Our sufferings do not need to be looked at as problems to be solved. 

Conor Gallagher tells us that when you truly surrender to God,

You stop trying to control your present and your future. And you stop regretting your past. You accept everything, good and bad, as something carefully prepared for you.


He quotes many saints:

If we could see all He sees we would unhesitatingly wish all He wishes. We would beg Him on bended knees for those afflictions we now ask Him to spare us. (Saint Claude de la Colombiere) 



Getting what you want 

In You Have Only One Problem you will learn:

You can always get what you always want. If you only desire the will of God, then everything that happens to you is exactly what you want to happen to you.


This kind of radical faith and trust in God is unusual to see, is it not? But the profound message of this book is backed up with numerous quotes from the saints, from the Catechism, and from Scripture. There is just no arguing with the truth of the message: We must trustfully surrender to God. 


Embracing the Cross 

Embracing the Cross is a challenge but what is our alternative? We all want peace. We must surrender to God Who only wants what is good for us. Refusing to accept the crosses in our lives only leads to more suffering. Gallagher quotes Saint Faustina:

If the angels were capable of envy, they would envy us for two things: one is the receiving of Holy Communion, and the other is suffering.


Do we need help with this kind of surrender? We certainly do. Gallagher suggests asking our guardian angels for help. He also includes two prayers we might say: “Act of Abandonment” by Saint Francis de Sales and “Prayer of Trust and Confidence” by Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio). Additionally, he includes a recommended reading list. 

I love this little book that packs such a powerful spiritual punch. It’s also delightful to hold with its glossy pages of a nice weight and beautiful full-page color images of saints together with their inspiring quotes.  

We must surrender and trust in the goodness of God. I recommend this book to everyone. You Have Only One Problem by Conor Gallagher outlines the path to peace.  

I think I will keep this book by my bed for a long time.  




Ask for You Have Only One Problem: Experience the Instant Reward of Trustful Surrender at your local Catholic bookstore, from TAN Books, or order it from Amazon.


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Copyright 2025 Rosemary Bogdan
Images: Canva