Today's Gospel: Mark 12:28-34 A scribe questions Jesus, “Which commandment is the first of all?” With Jesus’ response the scribe was pleasantly enlightened. The scribe has seen the Sadducees disputing over technicalities about religion, and how well Jesus handled these disputes. The scribe also realized that the real laws are those of loving God and loving each other. Following these two commandments takes care of all the other rather base laws of “burnt offerings and sacrifices”. This scribe apparently had no interest in disputing with Jesus. Loving our Heavenly Father with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength can have a dichotomy of sorts with our loyalties to our families, spouses, children, jobs/career. Demands from our daily lives can take the place of a total commitment to God. God should be at the top of our priority list, then spouse and children, but sometimes our priority lists gets a bit out of whack. Prayer time, Mass, reception of sacrament of reconciliation are activities that should be in the planners of every Christian on a regular basis. Even better when our families are with us and when we help them to love God with all our being - that is loving God and our neighbors all at the same time!


Jesus is putting down the best way to live life: putting God first and foremost and loving those around us. Is that easier said than done?


Dear Jesus, help me to love You more than anything else in the world and be a good neighbor to those around me through love and mercy. Amen
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