Today's Gospel: MT 19:16-22 - Memorial of St. Bernard Society advertises endless offerings and temptations to reach its standards of happiness, wealth, and success. But oh, how so many of these actually lead to just the opposite; the feeling of emptiness! I am human, consciously living between the tangible world and the world of wonder and awe. Unlike this material world, my journey with Jesus doesn’t require material things, money, or a red-carpet production of visible actions done without heart. Today’s gospel is a beautiful invitation for me to reflect on when I experience God’s life-giving abundance which gifts me with a sense of joy that no material possession can ever offer. It is when I offer God my time willingly without reservation, and with my full heart, mind, body, spirit, and soul with the desire to grow in relationship with Him, that I find joy-filled fortune here on earth. The times when I lend Him my ears with an openness to hear His messages and what He wants me to pass on to someone who is searching for Him. The times when I escape to a day or weekend retreat and allow the Holy Spirit to fill up my own spirit with delight. The times when I cut out space to read scripture and see how His words continuously guide me through His glorious voyage of Love. The times when I am fully present to my elderly mother and grace flows through our souls together, leading us up His river of hope. The times when I say, “Lord, here I am as I am. I am yours. Use me.” Always, when I give our Lord my attention and time, free from all materialism, He never fails to keep embellishing my most cherished inheritance-my relationship with His Divine Being.


Is it easy or difficult for me to detach from society’s standards of happiness, success, and wealth? If Jesus knocked on my door today and asked me to sell all my possessions and give the money away, how difficult would it be for me to do so without grieving?


Lord, my All in All, I ask You to free me from the attachment of materialism and guide me to know that true and everlasting abundance is found in the abundant wellspring of Uour Divine Being.
Copyright 2018 Marie K. Gerken Marie was born and raised Catholic in South Bend, Indiana. She writes poetry, reflections, and short essays on her creative space The Wholly Middle. She currently lives in Western Springs, IL with her husband, four children, and two dogs. Marie co-founded the Western Springs Writers’ Society, and fully enjoys her ecumenical lay work with the Christian faith communities in her village. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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