Today's Gospel: Luke 7:1-10 With great authority and power comes great responsibility. I have always been touched by the centurion’s good works (helping build the synagogue) and the humility he displays before Jesus. Today, we could learn a lot from this man. It is rare for those in power to exhibit any humility; however we must be the antidote to the illness of negative pride, by living out this Gospel. In spite of these virtues, it is his trust and faith that Jesus takes time to mention. We are reminded of this Gospel reading in every Mass when we repeat the words the centurion spoke, “I am not worthy, that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word...” With complete trust, he asks the Lord to fulfill his need. We too, need to make our requests of the Lord with utter abandonment and trust.


How can I learn to trust the Lord with all my needs?


Lord, help me to trust you completely~ even when all my senses appear to tell me that you have not heard, remind me to say, "I believe, help me in my unbelief."
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